Where Are You

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   I woke up ready to go back to school. Summer felt way too long and I needed an excuse to see Peter a lot more than I do now. I got ready for the day and headed to the kitchen where I was shocked to see all the Avengers standing there.

"What are you guys doing here?" I said as I grabbed the cereal from the shelf.

"Just hanging out." Bruce said

"Really?" I said as I poured the milk into my cereal.

"We wanted to see you on your first day of school!" Nat said like a proud mom.

"Oh you guys didn't have to. It not anything special."

"But we love you and we want to cherish these moments!" Steve said

"Oookaaayy...well I have to go now so...bye!" I said as I walked out the door to meet Peter and Ned to walked to the school.

"Hey (y/n)!" Ned said.

"Hey Ned!...where's Peter?" I said looking behind him.

"I-I don't know maybe he's just running late." Ned said.

"I hope so...well we can't wait forever let's go." I was actually kinda scared. Being a superhero you never knew where he was.

When Ned and I got to school I went to class and I didn't see Peter. The whole day passed and not one time did I see Peter. Where is he?
When I saw Ned in the halls I ran to him and he did the same.
"Ned! I didn't see Peter at all today! Do you see him?" I said almost in tears.

"I didn't see him at all either." He said huffing from running to me.

"We have to find him! Let's go!" I said

Me and Ned started looking for Peter. We first went to his house. We knocked on the door

"Oh hi (y/n), Ned! Peter's not home yet." May said

"Wait he's not home!?" I said

"Why? Didn't you see him at school."

"May, he wasn't at school." Ned said.

"What!" She started to panic.

The obvious solution was not make her panic so I did what I needed to.

"Oh no Ned, Peter was at school I saw him. He said he was gonna go to the library after school. I completely forgot." I said

Ned looked at me confused so I nudged him to agree.

"Oh that's right he told me that too! Well sorry for scaring you we will go check on him." Ned said.

May nodded and we left.

"Where did he go? I just saw him yesterday at dinner! What-what if he's hurt!?" I said.

"I don't know try calling him." Ned said

I took out my phone and called him. No answer.

"Ned come with me...I have an idea."

I ran to Stark Tower and I saw my dad talking to Steve.

"Woah! It's Captain America!" Ned said pointing at Steve.

"Hi kid!" Steve said.

"Ned stop talking for one second!"

"Woah (y/n) no need for harsh behavior!" My dad said.

"Sorry it's just Peter, he's missing we can't find him anywhere!"

"What do you mean (y/n)" dad said taking a step towards me.

"The last time I saw him was Monday night dinner...we didn't see him at school, he wasn't home, and he won't pick up the phone! Can you help us find him!?" I said my eyes glazed from my tears.

"Yeah come with me (y/n) and (y/n)'s friend. I can track his phone." He started typing on his computer trying to track him. "Well that doesn't make any sense."

"What!? Where is he?"

He turned the screen and me and Ned screamed "Germany!?"

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