Kiss and Tell

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Peter's POV
My job is hard enough but now Rhino has a superpowers suit!? This day keeps getting better and better. First I tried to tell (y/n) how I felt but because of the loser I had to put it on hold. I hit rhino's new suit but it didn't work. I mean it's a fricking energy powered suit how am I supposed to knock him out!?
Just then blue electricity shot from his suit in all directions and made his suit power down and fall to he ground. I say a girl in a blue and black suit behind him. Who is this? She walked over to me and said "that was easier than I thought it would be. Hi Spider-guy I'm Electra."
"I'm Spider-man thank you...and where did you come from?.
While the girl picked up a shard of a light pole and fiddle it through her fingers. "You know here there everywhere." She said point in different directions.
The police grabbed Rhino and put him in the S.W.A.T. Van as usual.
"What are you doing in New York City. MY city."

"Whoa I would barely call it YOUR city there are 8 million people here." She said with a smirk.
This girl is kinda annoying and sarcastic.

"You always this annoying." I said

She looked a little hurt when I said that but straightened herself up and said "only if I need to be."
Looking at her face you could tell she was nervous and under the mask I was a little nervous as well. I shouldn't be too mean I mean she did help me.
"Well thank you Electra for your help I couldn't have done it with out you." I said as I swung to my apartment building.

Your POV
"I was sarcastic to him and he actually got mad. It was kinda funny."

"So you first mission was a success?" My dad asked me. I nodded when my phone buzzed I looked at it, it was a text from Peter.
"Sorry I had to leave stupid Rhino also messes with my plans anyways open you window."
You ran to your room and opens the window.
"It was a good thing I was at home and not at Stark Tower." I said as he jumped in my room.

"Yeah I would've been stuck out there for a while."

You guys laughed.

"Look about what I said earlier-"

"You mean breaking up with Liz." You said walking over to him.

"Yeah in broke up with her because-"

"Because you want to be with me?" I said looking down and then looking back up he was right in front of you. He grew a couple inches taller he used to be the same height as me.
He grabbed my chin "yes that's what I was gonna say you stole my thunder." He said as he kissed me. I haven't kissed him for two years it felt like all the electricity shot up to my face. We fell on the bed and he kept kissing me. He was on practically on top of me.
"Ow!" He said jumping off the bed.

I sat up "what's wrong?"

"I got shocked." He rubbed his lip.

"Oh my gosh your bleeding!" You said as he looked at his finger that had blood from his lip on it.

I knew I did it. I thought I had my powers under control but I guess I don't. I ran and got him a paper towel to wipe his lip with. He sat on the bed wiping his bloody lip.
"Are you okay?"

"Yeah I'm okay I just don't get how that happened. Maybe that Electra when she patted me on the back got some electricity on me."

You had to tell him to tell him you were Electra. Now I know how it feels to tell someone you have superpowers. Hard it's very hard.

"Peter it wasn't Electra...well I guess it was Electra but not at that moment it wasn't."

"What do you mean?" He said looking at you confused.

"Peter I'm-I'm Electra."

"Wait what!?"

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