Bad Peter

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   Their plan was set and all was going well. My nerves however were going crazy. I was as scared as a cat in water. I was picking at my nails to take the anxiety away.

Thor was ready to open the portal.

"Are you mortals ready?" He asked.

"Yes Thor we are." My dad said in annoyance.

Thor put Mjolnir in the air electricity sparked from it creating a portal to the other earth.

It made me shudder just looking at it.

Peter put his hand on my shoulder

"Don't worry (y/n) everything will be alright." He smiled.

I turned to him, a nervous wreck, "will it?"

Steve walked up to me and patted my back "it will. We're all here for you (y/n). We would do anything to save you." He gave a warm smile to comfort me.

I nodded my head and gave Steve a half smile.

"Ready Parker?" My dad asked.

Peter sighed as he put on his spiderman mask "as ready as I'll ever be."

Peter walked up to the portal and one by one all the Avengers where gone. Peter turned to me with his mask on and gave me a thumbs up as he walked into the portal.

The portal shut and that was it, it's all up to them now. I'm here just sitting here in stark tower hoping I'll see them again.

Peter's POV
It was dark and kinda scary looking. The alley way we were transported to, that is.

I turned to Mr.Stark in his Ironman suit.

"Uh Mr.Stark what do we do now?"

He threw something in the air and it made blue electronic map appear in the sky.

"See that red dot?" He asked

"Yeah." I replied.

"That's Peter or Bad Peter. And see that blue dot that's us."

"How long will it take to get there? It looks pretty far?" Sam asked.

"Well most of us here can fly so I would estimate about ten, twenty minutes." Tony replied.

"Well" Steve clapped his hands together "let's get to it."

Sam picked up Steve and Bucky and started to fly to the destination.

We all got there in about fifteen minutes. It was a dark abandoned factory.

"Well where is he?" I asked.

"Inside Parker, inside." Tony replied.

"Okay we'll go on my signal." Steve said.

He counted in the air 1 2 3!

He busted the door opened and everyone got in a fighting position.

"Where is he?" Wanda asked.

We heard clapping coming from the side of us "congratulations you found me!"

"Hey you little douche bag come here!" I yelled as I squirted webs at his hands like handcuffs.

He ripped them apart. "Ah ah ah Peter you little bug. Did you really think it would be that easy. Ha no no no. I prefer...a challenge."

Just when he said that tons of people appeared behind him all doppelgänger of the Avengers.

"Everyone take someone other then yourself, they know your weaknesses." Steve yelled.

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