Part Two. Vegito

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I woke up, feeling great!
I always feel great, I finally got out of that horrible military academy! It was such a pain, at least now I'm out.
I got out of bed and walked to the restroom in my room. I took a quick shower, then I quickly dried myself off. I stretched my sore limbs, then I started getting dressed.
Into the gi my mother gave me as a gift, it's very special to me because she passed away a few years ago.
Well, anyway I gotta get ready faster.
I ran downstairs with a big smile on my face, I saw the maids serving my dad and brothers breakfast.
"Good morning father!" I cheerfully said.
"Good morning Vegito. Sit down and eat with us." Dad said.
"Okey dokey!"
I sat down and looked at my older brother Vegeta, I stared at him until he noticed me staring.
"What?" Vegeta snapped.
"Nothing, sheesh." I replied.
"Your so mean to Vegito, Vegeta. You should be like dad and be nice all the time." Tarble said.
"Nice all the time, you should see him after meetings with Lord Frieza." I mumbled.
"Can you all just stop talking and eat?" Dad growled.
We all then stopped talking and started eating.
I walked outside with Tarble, we stood outside the front door waiting for Vegeta.
He then came out and I smiled at him.
"Let go oni-chan—"
"Don't you dare call me that." Vegeta growled.
"Why oni-chan?" I whined.
"I said to not call me that!!" Vegeta roared.
"Vegeta please stop yelling." Tarble said.
"If you don't stop calling me that, I'm going to—"
"ONI-CHAN!!! ONI-CHAN!!! ONI-CHAN!!!" I yelled.
"That's it!! Get here right now!" Vegeta roared and lunged at me.
Tarble quickly grabbed Vegeta and yelled at me,"You better go before he breaks out of my grip!"
"Thanks Tarble!" I waved and flew off towards school.
I flew as fast as I could, hoping Vegeta wouldn't catch me. I love annoying Vegeta, it's hilarious.
I then spotted the school, I flew down and landed on my feet outside the school.
There were other Saiyans arriving as well, I then ran behind the school. I hid behind the building and heard my brother arrive with his buddies.
I heard him asking people if they've seen me.
I then heard footsteps coming my way.
"There he is!! Grab him!!"
I tried to run away, but his buddies grabbed me and slammed me on the ground.
I recognized one of the Saiyans holding me down.
"Hey Turles." I greeted with a smile.
"Shut up." Turles growled.
"Make him stand." Vegeta said.
They forcefully made me stand up, facing my big brother.
Vegeta appeared and walked towards me. He then kicked my stomach, sending a wave of pain throughout my body.
"Ow!! Oni-Chan stop!" I yelled while trying not to smile at saying oni-chan.
His friends snickered at the nickname, Vegeta growled and then he punched my chest repeatedly. I groaned, after that he grabbed a fistful of my hair and pulled my face close to his.
"Don't you dare call me that name again." Vegeta growled.
"Okay, okay. I promise." I said.
Vegeta let go of my hair and then started walking away, his buddies did the same.
"See ya later oni-chan!" I yelled.
Vegeta turned around and growled. He then started running at me, his gang right behind him.
I limped inside the school, they beat me up. Now I had bruises and scratches all over my body.
Now I'm late, on my first day!!
I continued limping down fandoms halls, not knowing what class to go in.
I spun around and saw a bald man in Saiyan armor skipping down the hall. I think he's a....teacher??
"Excuse me sir!" I called for him.
He stopped skipping and smirked at me.
"Look at what we have here, it's a Pokémon." He said.
"Huh? What the heck is a Pokémon?" I asked.
"Yard a hard a card!" He yelled.
"Um, do you know where I my classroom is. I'm new to this school." I said.
"New? A new one, what is your name?" He asked.
"Vegito, the second son of King Vegeta." I said.
"A prince!? That means your a legendary Pokémon....eeeh!!! My name is Nappa, I'll take good care of ya. We'll go on crazy adventures like Ash and Pikachu. So you are joining my class! Follow meeeeeeeeeeeeed!!!!"
He started skipping down the hallway, I sighed and folllwed.
"Okay Legendary Pokémon, you gotta introduce yourself once I introduce you with style." Nappa said and walked into his classroom.
He stood under front of the class, I stood outside the door and checked everyone out. Ooh, a golden haired Saiyan. I like him.
Nappa then yelled,"Class!! Today we got a new student, his name is Vegito! He is the second Saiyan Prince, please greet him with love and affection! MY LEGENDARY POKÉMON!!!"
I sighed at that nickname he just gave me, this must've been what Oni-Chan felt like when I started calling him that.
I then put on a confident and smug look. With my lady killer smirk. I walked in the classroom with a sort of badass strut.
"Hey guys, my name is Vegito."

Hey guys!!!
Did you like the second chapter? The POV of the character will show in the chapter name.
Like last chapter I named it Gogeta and it was in Gogeta's POV, this chapter I named it Vegito and it was in  Vegito's POV.
Hope you guys are okay with that! Anyways there are so many more chapters to come!!! I GOT SO MANY IDEAS!!!

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