Part Thirty Six. Vegito +18

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I followed my scouter's directions and landed in a pine tree forest.
"Hmm. The scouter says that the Shadow Dragon is only a few feet away, follow me." I said to Gohan and Piccolo.
I walked cautiously through the trees and then I saw him. He doesn't look scary at all, these Shadow Dragons are a lot of letdowns.
"Hey, give me your Dragon Ball." I said.
The Shadow Dragon turned around and smiled, he then started laughing.
"Hee hee hee!" He laughed.
Then he shot out a tentacle at me, I dodged it easily then I shot a blast at him.
But then my blast bounced off him and went back at me! I quickly moved out of the way, then the blast hit Piccolo, he fell down unconscious.
"Ah!" Gohan moaned.
I turned around, why'd he moan? I gasped and saw the Shadow Dragon's tentacle inside Gohan's pants! I growled and grabbed the tentacle then I roared as I tore it off the Dragon.
He yelled in pain and then he growled,"Darn you, I was having fun with him! I am the five star Shadow Dragon, the Rage Dragon!"
Then he shot out several more tentacles! I dodged them all, but Gohan couldn't, the tentacles wrapped around his wrists and ankles.
Then they pulled down his pants and started stroking him, I growled.
Then a tentacle slapped me in the face, knocking me down.
Then many tentacles wrapped around my limbs and held me down, I roared as I struggled against them.
I turned into a Super Saiyan, but even that wasn't enough to break free from the tentacles strong grip. I could only watch as his tentacles stroked Gohan, Gohan bit his lip so that he wouldn't let out his moans. He was blushing really red.
"Hee hee hee! Do you like that? Hope you do, now for the best part...anal!!" Rage Dragon yelled.
Then three tentacles combined together and made one massive tentacle, then the massive tentacle slammed inside Gohan's hole!
"Gohan!" I yelled.
Gohan cried out in pain, then the massive tentacle started thrusting in and out of him.
I growled and then I roared as I tore the tentacles off me! Rage Dragon looked surprised, then I lunged at him.
I threw several punches at him, but he blocked them with his tentacles. Then Rage Dragon started getting big, soon he was nearly covering the entire forest!
His tentacles still raping Gohan! I growled and blasted several blasts at him, they bounced off again!
Piccolo woke up and then he flew to help Gohan.
He used his claws to rip the tentacles off Gohan, Gohan fell down on his hands and knees. Breathing hard and blushing.
"You okay?" Piccolo asked.
"No, my hole is three times it's original size." Gohan said as he tried catching his breath.
Piccolo growled and roared as he attacked the tentacles.
I turned my attention back to Rage Dragon, he was growling as he sent tentacles to attack Piccolo.
I frowned and then I roared as I blasted several of his tentacles. He roared in pain, then I flew at his face.
I pulled back my fist and slammed it against his beak, I heard a crack and saw the tip of his beak fall off.
Rage Dragon growled and sent tentacles after me, I blasted them all then I continued punching him. He grunted each time my hits connected with his face.
I sent multiple punches at his face, then I heard Gohan roar as he shot a massive blast at Rage Dragon.
I flew out of the way, and watched as the blast knocked Rage Dragon down.
Then while he was on the ground, Piccolo flew over and put his two fingers to his forehead.
"SPECIAL BEAM CANON!!!" Piccolo roared and blasted a drill-like blast at Rage Dragon.
Rage Dragon screamed as Piccolo's blast went straight through his stomach.
Then I flew over to his face and roared as I blasted his face to nothing.
I sighed and then I saw the five star Dragon Ball, I picked it up then I tossed it to Piccolo.
He put it in his pocket, then I said,"Alright, two down and only five to go!"
"Rage Dragon was my least favorite one." Gohan said as he rubbed his sore butt.
I patted his shoulder.
"It's okay son, you'll forget about it by next week." I said.
We all spun around and saw a giant mole?
It roared and lunged at us!!
To be continued...
Also I won't be publishing another chapter until a few days. Maybe just one or two days, but I just published all my ready drafts.
So I need to start getting ahead by ten chapter again. Thanks for reading and see ya in the next chapter!

You're Only Mine ( Gogeta x Vegito Dragon Ball Z Fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now