Part Seventeen. Gogeta

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I shivered in fear once I heard that name.
My older brother Raditz.
I then passed out.
I laughed as I played with my brother Kakarot, today is my right birthday.
And our parents took us to a river to play, my older brother Raditz watched as we played.
"Hahahahaha! Your it Kakarot!" I yelled as I tagged him.
"No!" Kakarot yelled and chased after me.
He then tackled me to the ground and tickled me, making me laugh. Kakarot and I laughed then Raditz said,"Let me play."
"Raditz your too big, your thirteen. Gogeta is eight and Kakarot is ten." Mommy said to Raditz.
"So. I'm playing." Raditz growled at mommy.
"Don't growl at your mother." Daddy growled.
"Psh. Whatever." Raditz said and walked over to Kakarot and I.
"Hey little brothers, let's swim." Raditz smirked.
"Okay!" Kakarot yelled happily and hopped in the river.
"Um...Raditz I can't swim." I said as Raditz watched Kakarot swim.
"Well you have to swim if you wanna play with Kakarot and I." Raditz said and he also hopped into the water.
I crawled to the water edge and watched my two big brothers play in the water. I frowned and started crying.
Suddenly Raditz grabbed my ankle with his tail and yanked me into the water!
All I saw was bubbles as I struggled to swim. Raditz pushed me all the way to the bottom of the river, I could hear him laughing. Kakarot screaming and my mommy screaming.
I heard daddy yelling and saw him run into the water. Daddy punched Raditz and pulled me out of the water. I coughed as I breathed for air, Daddy held me against his chest.
"You idiot! You could have killed your brother!" Daddy yelled at Raditz.
"What do you think I was trying to do." Raditz replied.
"Your crazy!" Daddy growled and grabbed Raditz by his ear.
"Go home!" Daddy growled and shoved Raditz.
I watched Raditz punched a tree and flew home.
Three Years Later...
I laughed as my parents and Kakarot sang happy birthday to me. It's my eleventh birthday party, Raditz however is upstairs in his room.
Soon we were eating cake and I blew out my candles.
We were celebrating, my dad was even smiling.
Until he came downstairs. Raditz came downstairs and said,"Hey dad, I'm tired of listening to you. So I'm becoming the alpha in our family."
Dad growled and walked up to Raditz.
"Do this another day, were celebrating your little brother's birthday." Dad said.
"I don't want to this another day, now do as I say!" Raditz roared and made the Oozaru Face as he tackled dad!
Mom screamed and grabbed Kakarot and I, leading us away to a corner of the dining room. We watched as dad and Raditz fought.
Scratching each other with their claws, biting with their fangs, punching, and kicking!
"Stop! Stop fighting in front of your children Bardock!" Mom yelled at Dad.
Dad growled and slashed his claws across Raditz chest. Leaving Raditz stunned, then Dad punched his face and finished it with an upward blow to his chin. Raditz fell on the floor and coughed. Blood and scratches all over his body.
"Grr. Damn it." Raditz growled.
"Your lucky I don't kill you Raditz. Leave, get out of my house." Dad said.
Raditz spat on the ground and shoved past Dad, going to the door.
"I'll be back, back for you Gogeta." Raditz said before he left the house.
I woke up with a headache, I looked around and found myself in Vegito and my room.
I was in the bed, I got up and rubbed my head. I then walked outside and saw Vegito talking with Broly.
"What are you two talking about?" I asked.
They quickly stopped talking and Vegito smiled.
"Hey babe, we were just talking about Broly's dad. Now go on back to sleep, heh heh." Vegito said as he pushed me towards the room again.
I moved away from the room and frowned.
"No, tell me what you were talking about." I said and crossed my arms.
Vegito sighed and called Broly. Broly came in and said,"We we're talking about your elder brother, Radish."
"It's Raditz." Vegito corrected.
"Anyways, those bugmen told us that Raditz would destroy Planet Meat if they didn't kill you. So we decided to help them kill Raditz, he's on his way to our planet as we speak." Broly said.
"Should be be too hard because we got good ole Broly!" Vegito said and patted Broly.
I smiled and watched as they laughed together.
"Okay. But I only want Broly to fight, I don't want you getting hurt Vegito." I said.
"What!? Broly can't have all the glory!" Vegito whined.
"Too bad." I said and kissed him.
Vegito smiled and kissed back.
We kissed each other lovingly, our lips moving in sync and our tongue lightly touching.
Then we pulled away, Broly stood there awkwardly.
"Well, I guess I'll be on my way now." Broly said and flew away.
Vegito turned to me and asked,"So why doesn't your family like Raditz?"
I looked down and said,"He tried killing my dad and me. The day my dad told him to leave our house he said he'd be back for me."
Vegito growled and hugged me tightly.
"I won't let him hurt you." Vegito said.
I smiled and hugged him back.
"I know Vegito. I love you."
"Love you too."
To be continued....

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