Part Thirty Seven. Gohan

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The giant mole punched dad and then Piccolo!
They both crashed into the ground and then I growled as I got into my fighting stance.
"I can't believe you killed Rage Dragon, but you can't defeat me! I'm the fifth strongest Shadow Dragon, I am the Seven Star Dragon! Naturon Shenron!!" He roared and then he slashed his claws at me!
I dodged then I kicked his face, he stumbled back but since he's so huge it barely affected him.
Naturon Shenron roared and opened his mouth wide, then a blasts started forming around his open jaws.
Once the blast was formed, it blew off towards me!!
I quickly dodged it then I saw Dad punch Naturon repeatedly. Piccolo appeared next to me and said,"This guy is tough."
"Yea." I replied.
"And the other four are even more powerful than him." Piccolo growled.
"I know, this is gonna suck." I groaned.
Piccolo agreed.
Then we both lunged at Naturon, we flung attacks at him. Naturon took all the attacks as if they were nothing, but then Dad roared and rammed his fist into his face!
Naturon growled and punched Dad into the ground!
I growled and roared as I flung multiple blasts at Naturon, he blocked them all then he started digging underground.
"After him, before he gets away!" Piccolo yelled.
I then flew after Naturon, but it was too late.
He was gone.
"Damn." I growled as I punched the ground.
Dad and Piccolo landed next to me.
"Well, he got away. We'll get him next time." Dad said as he patted my shoulder.
"Okay." I responded.
Suddenly the ground started shaking, I nearly fell.
Then the ground blew up, making a massive explosion!!!
We were all sent crashing into a mountain, once we got out of the mountain we saw Naturon laughing.
"You thought I ran away, as if! I'm not a scaredy cat." Naturon laughed.
Dad growled and roared as he flew straight at Naturon's face, then Naturon slapped Dad away with his tail.
Dad slammed his head on the ground, he slumped down. His Super Saiyan hair went black. He's unconscious.
"Dad! No!" I yelled.
Piccolo growled and then he roared as he lunged at Naturon. Naturon chuckled and punched Piccolo with his massive fist, Piccolo fell back but he lunged at Naturon again!
I growled and then I started charging up a blast in my hand. Then when it was ready I pulled back my hand and flung it at Naturon!!!
The blast exploded right on Naturon, he fell down but he quickly got back up.
"Ow ow ow!! That hurt!!" Naturon yelped.
Piccolo smirked and then he punched Naturon repeatedly.
Naturon roared and blasted Piccolo away!!
"Heh. Dumb Namekians. So little Saiyan, have you figured out that each Shadow Dragon is a different element?" Naturon asked.
"What?" I replied.
"That's right. Haze Dragon was poison, Rage Dragon was air, I am earth, Oceanus Shenron is water, Eis Shenron is ice, Nuova Shenron is fire, and Omega Shenron is all." He smirked.
"I don't care! We've already defeated two of the Shadow Dragons! Rage Dragon didn't even use air, he used tentacles to rape me!" I yelled.
"Well, you should care. Even if you manage to defeat all Shadow Dragons, you could never defeat Syn Shenron. Syn Shenron is the most powerful one of all, he'll kill you in less then twenty minutes." Naturon smirked.
I then roared as I kicked his snout!
"I don't care!!"
I then kept kicking and punching him!!
My fists and feet went at him, nonstop. Naturon roared and flung his giant fist at me, I blocked then I shoved his giant fist away.
After that I punched his stomach and he stumbled back.
I roared as I blasted a blast at him, but he dodged it last minute. I growled and then he dug underground again.
The ground started shaking, then....BOOM!!!
The ground exploded again, the explosion nearly caught me again, but I moved away.
Naturon Shenron growled.
"I never knew a Saiyan could be this strong." Naturon growled nervously.
I frowned.
"That's right. Shadow Dragons should've mess with us Saiyans, or Namekians!" I roared as I flew down at him.
I focused all my energy in my right fist, this attack will be for everything!!
I pulled back my right back and flew faster at him.
I roared as Naturon screamed. Then I flung my fist outward and into Naturon!!!
I went straight through him, I flew out his back and slid on the ground.
I looked back and saw Naturon coughing up blood.
I chuckled and said,"I won."
Then Naturon fell forward, dead. That when I saw Dad flying towards me.
"Where's Piccolo?" Dad asked.
"He's laying in a crater, Naturon got him good." I answered.
"Alright, well I found the seven star ball underground." Dad said as he showed it to me.
I smiled.
Dad smiled.
"Were getting closer." Dad said.
Then we heard footsteps running towards us, we turned our heads and saw Piccolo running towards us.
"Here Piccolo, put this one in your bag too." Dad said as he tossed Piccolo the Dragonball.
Piccolo caught it and placed it in his bag, then Dad helped me up.
"You used all your energy up to kill Naturon, when we find the next Shadow Dragon I want you to just watch so that you can recover your energy." Dad said.
Then Dad looked at his scouter and said,"Ok I found the next one, let's go!"
Then Dad flew into the sky, Piccolo and I flew after him.
We arrived at a beach?
I looked around.
"I don't see a Shadow Dragon." I commented as I looked around.
"Hmm. The scouter says that the Dragon is in the water. I'll go check." Dad said and he flew into the ocean.
Piccolo and I waited. I noticed the water splashing around, there's a big ruckus inside that ocean.
Then Dad flew out of the water with scratches and bruises all over him.
Dad breathed heavily as he tried to catch his breath.
"I found the Dragon. It's a girl." Dad said.
Then the water started to open up, making a hole in the water. And a blue girl flew out of the hole with a smile.
"Heh. Prepare to die." She smirked.
To be continued....
Well, I'm ten chapters ahead again!
Alright well, see ya!!

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