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(y/n) stared out the window blankly. She smiled at her barley visible reflection.

(y/n) had just gotten out of an abusive relationship with her ex.

She sighed at her semi-bruised reflection, and got up to leave for classes, wearing a blank headband covering one eye, a black, tight shirt that covered up to her elbow, with a skirt that went to her fingertips and shoes that covered her knees.

She quickly left her house only to bump into a girl with pastel pink hair, and a red dress halfway to school.

"Watch where you're going!" She yelled, picking up the papers that had been scattered on the ground.

"Tch, says the girl who ran into me in the first place." said (y/n)

"Ha! as if! You better apologize to me right now!"

(y/n) frowned and just walked off. "Loser"  muttered (y/n)

"I heard that! wait until the teachers hear about this!"

(y/n) chuckled. "Teachers pet..." She looked at the sky hearing a noise.

She frowned.


To be specific, it was a jutsu . Someone was practicing in the area.

That really bothered her.

(y/n) used a fire jutsu as well, but you didn't see her practice 5 minutes until school.

She thought it was a waste of chakra.

She sighed, and continued walking to school.

She knew she wasn't good, she had very ill intentions to everyone she had met in the past year.

She felt a drop on her head and looked up.

She sighed.

It was raining.

She groaned and ran to school. (y/n) didn't like the rain if she knew she was going to walk out of it soaking.  She walked into class with droplets running down her hair and arms.

Someone laughed at her and yelled,

"Hey, look! its a mop!"

She opened her eyes and glared at the person who yelled at her.

They gulped and looked away, saying sorry.

"That's what I thought, fatso."

"What did you just call me!?" yelled the boy.

"Choji calm down.." Whispered a girl with buns in her hair.

Choji, the fat one, grumbled.

(y/n) took the first empty seat she saw and put her feet up on the table.

"Excuse me." Said a rather calm voice.

She glared at the boy, who had black hair and black eyes.

She tilted her head at him. "What?" (y/n) asked.

"You're not allowed to do that."

She looked away from him and ignored him.

"Hn." The boy said. He kicked her feet off the table.

(y/n) got up, and with a strange blood lust in her eye, grabbed his collar.

"How should I play with my food this time?" (y/n) asked herself.

The boy frowned and smacked her hands away.

After class, (y/n) felt the glare of the boy, who she learned that his name was Sasuke Uchiha.

She couldn't care less about him. He just angered her that second.

She began to walk home, happy to see that the rain had let up.

She took a step outside to be rammed into by a blonde boy. She flew back, with the boy on top of her.  "Ow," The boy said rubbing his head. She growled. "Off!" she yelled punching his face. "Oh, I'm sorry! My name is Naruto Uzamaki and I will become Hokage one day, Believe it!"

(y/n) frowned. I choose to believe nothing.

Naruto 'hmmed' and frowned. "What do you want to be when you get out of here then?"

(y/n) grinned. "If it still exists, become part of the aukatsuki."

Naruto tilted his head a bit, "The what?" He asked.

(y/n) sighed.

"Of course you wouldn't know who they are, you're an imbecile." She walked off, tired and ready to go home.

Dead In Your Eyes (Itachi x Reader x Sasuke)Where stories live. Discover now