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Itachi's POV:

Itachi stared off at Sasuke, clutching a tree branch, eventually breaking it. Itachi watched Sasuke stone faced, and envious. Strange emotions that felt like anger swirled inside him, but so much as he wanted to hit flesh, and break bone, he turned and punched a tree, splitting his knuckles. Itachi breathed in and out, only to punch the tree over and over again, splitting the tree eventually. "Damnit.." Itachi whispered.

Your POV:

(Y/n) Sat with Sasori and Tobi eating Dangos, on a counter. Konan entered the room, holding paper swans. She looked up at you, noticing you eating the food. "Who made Dangos without telling me?!" Sasori shoved the Dangos in his mouth, and ran out of the room, up and away from Konan's wrath. Tobi giggled kicking his feet, "Sasori Did it!~" you just sat, and watched bored. Konan, seemingly calm, unfolded the origami, and arranged them back into her skin, and entered the room Sasori left in. Tobi giggled, and poked you. "hmm?" You said. "Sasori is gonna get a lot of paper cuts, so do you want to grab some lemons?" Tobi whispered. You laughed. "Isn't he a puppet?" Tobi nodded. "But he'll get rusty at the limbs." You laughed. "Tobi, No!"

Tobi made a sad noise, "Okay~" You smiled, and jumped off the counter, and walked back to your room, to find Itachi, waiting, with bloodied knuckles. "Itachi! Are you okay?" Itachi looked at you with stone face and grabbed your shoulders, and hugged you. "Are you okay?" You said aloud. Itachi nodded against your cheek making you blush. "You're bleeding.." You whispered. "I don't care." he growled. You pushed him and said, "Let me take care of your hand first." You said. He nodded, and sat down. You grabbed a first aid kit, and wiped Itachi's knuckles. You wrapped his hand, and tied it. "There." You said smiling. "Feel better?" You say looking up at him, and into his eyes. He smiled, and nodded. "I'm glad I helped you, Idiot." You smiled. He poked your forehead softly, leaving a faint pink stain your cheeks.

Sasuke POV:

Sasuke walked back towards the village, Kakashi almost stopping him before he stared at him, giving him a death stare. "I don't care, it's what she wants." He said, leaving Kakashi keep his hand floating in the air. "If that's what you believe." Sasuke nodded, and walked forward, sad and angry.


Okay lol sows that took so long.

(( T R I G G E R E D B Y T H E H E L L A S H O R T C H A P T E R ))

probs gonna be a 12.5

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