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(Y/n) ran as fast as she could. Away from her past, away from her problems screaming. She couldn't believe he would do that. to her... (Y/n) opened her eyes, tears spilling over, to find herself lost. She sighed, and sat down inside of a hollowed out tree. At least here, He wouldn't find her. Her eyes, in pain, bleeding. Her tench coat had a crescent moon with a circle shape inside of it. "(Y/n)!" She heard Asura yell out. (Y/n) screamed, and tore her coat to shreds. She didn't want to be part of this clan anymore. The pain was unbearable. 'If only I could forget everything...' She blacked out slowly...

(Y/n) woke up sweating, and panting, Itachi standing at the edge of her bed, stone faced. "Asura." She remembered. She shot up and out of the soft mattress, and ran past Itachi. "Where is it!" She yelled half way through the woods. She screamed out in pain when her ears rung, everything shook, and she saw the tree she hid in so long ago. She remembered his brown hair that was always so soft. She screamed as her eyes bled, she looked out, and ran remembering the directions to her clan. She ran until she saw the wall, with the clans symbol in the middle...

the Ōtsutsuki clan... she thought before blacking out....


Sequel coming soon....

Dead In Your Eyes (Itachi x Reader x Sasuke)Where stories live. Discover now