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"I need you, to tell me, why do you want to join the akatsuki."
(Y/n) looked away, "That's none of your business!"
Sasuke lifted up her chin, making her look at him.
"Hn... Really?"
you gulped.
"I think, you're lying."
You quickly hit him over the head, and ran out.
You were panting, but your body could barely hold you out of exhaustion.
You knew you would pass out eventually, so you decided to run, as fast as you could in that moment,
to an open street, with loads of people, one of them would help you,
Just one...
You black out...

------Sasuke's P.O.V-------
He thought.
He only needed her to answer the simple question,
and he would've...
would've what?
He didn't know.

------(y/n) POV--------

You woke up, In the hospital, finally.
"Hello?" You said, yawning.
"Hello." Said a deep voice.
"Did you take me here?" You asked to voice source, which was hidden.
You smiled in relief.
"Can you show yourself? I'd like to thank you in person."
"There is no need. I just ask you this, What makes you think you are worthy of being a part of the akatsuki?"
(Y/n) thought.
"I'm not."
The voice chuckled.
"And why not."
You frowned.
"Because, I am hasty, I hate literally everyone that goes against me, and I..."
"That's enough. You are plenty worthy from what it seems. Even you have a powerful aura and blood-lust, I could sense from your unconscious body."
You look up. "Who are you?"
The voice laughed. "In time, child... Just go to school... And I will check up on you once in a while..."
The voice faded.
(y/n) stared at her hands.
She smiled, "I'm worthy..."
She looked up, suddenly feeling the strength to move. She looked at the time.
30 minutes until school began for the day.
She sighed, and got up, wearing a strange robe,
it was a hospital robe, she blushed, realizing she was naked, and that her clothes were washed.
She picked up he folded, but clean clothes, and dressed.

-----Voice POV-----
"Itachi, I believe she is perfect for the aukatsuki. She is just a little rough around the edges, and I need you, to watch over her...."
Itachi, looked over at him, "Of course I will. Leave it to me..."

Dead In Your Eyes (Itachi x Reader x Sasuke)Where stories live. Discover now