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~ BEFORE we officially start the chapter, I want to include the part of where Itachi makes (Y/n) food ~

Itachi quickly walked out, and headed to the kitchen quietly preparing to make the most perfect eggs for (y/n). He grabbed a small basket out of the fridge. He quietly shuffled, to heat up the pan, and butter it, and placed the egg on top. He waited before putting water around the egg, and quickly spiced it, the covered it. He removed the lid, to reveal a seemingly perfect egg, only to see a small bit of egg shell. He scoffed, and threw the egg to the side, repeating the process. The next time, the egg yolk spilled out of the side, and it kept repeating,until he ran out, in which he proceeded to chase down a chicken. "BAKWAK!!!" was all that could be heard in the base that day.

~ Okay, I had to have that in there courtesy of friend. YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE ~

You gladly ate the egg Itachi gave to you, eating it hungrily. He smiled at you. "What?" You said, kind of creeped out. He grinned, and tapped your forehead with his fingers. You touched your forehead, and blushed. Itachi was a light shade of pink, a barely noticeable blush.

You decided to get up, and shooed Itachi out of the room to get dressed. You put your aukatsuki robes over whatever you were wearing, and stepped out, only to bump into Sasori, who had just gotten back from an assignment.

"Oh. I'm sorry" Sasori said simple, With Deidara behind him. Deidara nodded, and walked off with Sasori. They were being strangely cold towards you. You thought it was nothing, and headed to where Itachi would have been. You couldnt find him anywhere, and was stopped by Sasori in his other puppet form. "Itachi's out on a surprise assignment." You gulped, not liking where this was going.

His tail shot out towards you, and you dodged nimbly. "What are you doing!?" You yelled. You could hear Sasori Chuckle, as he plotted his next move, He repeated the same move but to your right, and you jumped away from it, as he jumped forward in the direction you moved. You Narrowed your eyes, and your eyes changed, Sasori started freaking out. And you sat, clutching your eye. "S-stop it." You said angrily. You didn't want to fight back.

"Looks like you passed the test." Pain said, deep voiced as usual. Itachi smiled and nodded at you, and you blushed. "Test?" You said looking down at Sasori. "Sorry." You said, patting his twitching form. Tobi, who was watching from a safe distance started laughing. "Great battle (y/n) Chan!~ What a defeat for Sasori." You thought, that if his face wasn't obscured by a mask, he'd be smiling, and beaming proudly at you.


the short chapter sucks I know, but I have school real soon so I'll update 11.5 later today. MAYBE


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