Asgardian Anarchy

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UPDATE: THIS IS VERY UNEDITED! I wrote this when I first got Wattpad and had very poor writing skills, so please excuse mistakes and plot holes etc. If you want to read a better written Loki fanfic, check out my Chosen. (self promo lol).

~Author's note~ I do not own any of the Avengers characters, they all belong to Marvel except Katie, who is my own. Enjoy! ~LokiKatie~

The salty ocean breeze lifts my curly blonde hair off of my shoulders, making me smile. It's been a long time since I sat on this beach. Actually, it's been a long time since I've come near here. But I don't care. I must stick out like a sore thumb, sitting on the California shoreline in combat boots, skinny jeans, a tee shirt, leather jacket, and Iron man pacing behind me.

"Katie, come on. Fury is gonna be ticked," Tony Stark/Iron Man says behind me.

"Tony, don't rush my childhood development, " I smile and turn back ti look at him.

"You are turning nineteen today," he says, annoyed.

"Yeah, yeah, we better go. Just wanted to see what's happened to this place over the last sixteen years I've been with SHIELD," I sigh, but I stand up anyway.

"Are you flying or what?" Tony asks as he suits up.

"I'd like to teleport, but if you want to beat me there, I'll fly," I say, stretching my legs and shaking off sand.

"Challenge accepted. Let's fly," Tony shoots off into the air, and I follow, pushing off with my feet.


"You were supposed to be here an HOUR ago!" Fury shouts.

"Calm down, Fury. It's her birthday, and she's the youngest one here," Steve says.

"Whatever. But now I have to brief you all over again on our status." Everyone rolls their eyes.

Fury continues, "We have a man on board who has killed eighty people in the last forty eight hours. Basically, don't touch anything without instruction to do so."

"He's also my brother," Thor booms in his strong voice.

"Nice family," I say under my breath. Tony smirks.

"Alright, briefing over, get along now," Fury says. "Except you, Katie." I freeze, holding my breath.

"You're not in trouble, Coulson and I want to give you... a birthday present," Fury says as Coulson walks in.

"Happy birthday, Kates," Coulson smiles. Agent Coulson is like a father to me, hence my nickname.

"I bet my present is a mission," I grin.

"Sadly, Kates, that is where you are right," says Coulson, frowning.

"We wanted you to have nothing to do with this, being so young, but you're the only one he'll talk to," Fury says.

"What he means is, you get to interrogate our new friend only because he pointed to you on our list of interrogators," Coulson says, obviously dissapproving.

"So I get to talk to a psychotic demigod for my birthday. Yay me," I sigh. I know there is no way I'm getting out of this though.

"We'll be monitoring twenty four seven, and taking you out for breaks. Fury, do you want to tell her the bad news?" Coulson looks as though it pains him to say this, making me horrificly worried.

"You have to stay overnight," Fury says, and from reading his mind, an ability I have, he doesn't want to say this either.

"Okay. Do I just go now?" I ask with a sigh.

"Well, Steve said he wants to take you to the holding room, and here heis now," Coulson nods at Steve.

"Okay, let's go," he says, wanting me to hurry.

"Okay Captain," I smile, as we walk out the tall steel door.

"Okay, listen. This guy is a murderer, and I don't want anything to happen to you, soldier," Steve says. Steve has always had a soft spot for me, and Tony has other theories, if you know what I mean.

"It's okay, Steve. There's a constant monitor going, and you know I can handle him," I say, hopefully reassuring him, even though I'm not convinced myself. I decide to manipulate his mind to convince him, yet another weird power I posess.

"Just be safe," he says as we stop in front of the door to the holding room. He hugs me tightly, opens the door to the holding room, and I walk in.

"Okay, Kates, can you read me?" Coulson buzzes over my earpiece.

"Loud and clear," I say, trying to calm my breathing.

"The case is unlocked, just walk in."

"Okay. Save me some cookies tonight," I say, placing my hand kn the cold iron handle. Breathing in deeply, I step into the large, glass tank holding our guest.

~A-N~This only loosely sticks to the Avengers storyline, as you might have noticed, but I hope you enjoy it! Unedited, pardon grammar mistakes! ~LokiKatie~

As soon as I stepped over the threshold of the case, I was welcomed by an awful wave of cold.

"Brrrr," I said, not meaning to say it as loud as I did. Then, I saw the guest. He had long black hair, emerald green eyes, and a large amount if armor on. Some might say he was attractive.

"The cold bothers you?" he said, in a soft British accent. Then he laughed, a low, unnerving chuckle.

"Um, no? it just surprised me, " I say, obviously blushing.

"I did not realize you were just a child," he says, looking me over. I suddenly wish I had armor.

"Well, today is my birthday, so I guess you could say I'm an adult," I reply, feeling self conscious at his look over. I try to look in his mind, see what he is thinking, but he recoils.

"Gah! Don't touch my mind, you filthy child!" he bursts. I stop, put my back on the glass, and slide down until I am sitting on the hard floor. I cross my legs, feeling awkward. Loki sits on the other side of the case in a more graceful, dignified manner, making my cheeks burn anew. we sit like this for a few minutes, until I can't stand it.

"Why'd you choose me? Out of all the Avengers, even your brother, and you choose the awkward nineteen year old," I say, exasperated. Loki looks at me, shocked.

"You seemed the most vulnerable," he says. Then he blushes. "Ah, not that way!"

"No, um, I see what you mean. Ooh!" I took in a sharp breath. Pain seized my rib cage and nausea riddled my body. The cage was spinning, and then I saw Loki clearly for a second. He looked terrified. Then, the room went black.

Asgardian Anarchy- Book One of The Asgardian Avenger (loki)Where stories live. Discover now