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~Hehehe sadness, maybe surprises? -lokikatie PS I have another Avengers fanfic called The Demon Avenger~

Katie's POV

I stand in the Bifrost,  tears streaming down my face.

"You need to hurry, the Anarchy is planning an attack," Heimdall says. I nod, teleporting to the fountain in the village.

I think about the Anarchy, hidden in the mountain, the flag flying in some unknown wind. I send myself there, not knowing what awaits. I land in a dark cavelike room with the Anarchy's flag plastered on the walls. I grip my sword. Guards surround me, seizing my bruised arms. They drag me to another room. This room is finely decorated, with a huge, black throne in the middle. Sitting in the throne is a blond man that I know all too well.

"Well, well, well. My daughter has joined us," he smirks. The guards release me, dropping me on the floor.

"Father," I scowl.

"Look at how you've grown. You look just like your mother, except the hair color," he smiles. The guards chain me and take my sword.

"Why? Why did you let me go?" I say.

"I didn't let you go, I gave you magic. Powers you should be grateful for. And then you blew up the place."

"Mom would be disappointed."

"Ungrateful child. You could rule with me, you know. Forget the engagement, and we will rule!" he says, stroking my hair. I burst into flames, burning his hand. "Ahh, that's not polite!"

"Good. Just let them go, and I will... forget the engagement, " I snap.

"But I can't let go so easily of my new friends," he smirks.

"Please, please. Anything!" I cry. Everything is spinning around me. The ice starts swallowing me, and I turn blue. My father gasps.

"You monster!" he yells, terrified by me. I freeze him like a statue. Guards come running, but they all freeze. I run down the hallway, disoriented. Loki, I call, praying for a response. I find a place that can only be a dungeon. I open cell after cell of Asgardians, not finding anyone helpful. Just as I was about to give up, I see Frigga.

"Frigga, are you all right?" I ask, helping her out.

"I'm all right, but have you found my husband or my son?" she responds.

"No, I don't know," I say.

"Did you try reaching out to them?" she says, looking worried.

"Just Loki,  but can Odin?" I ask, and Frigga nods. Odin! I call. I am all right, but Loki is not, he responds.

"He's okay, but Loki isn't, " I tell her, feeling sick. I reach out with my mind, trying to find them. Sing. Sing loud and you will find us, Odin says.

"He is telling me to sing!" I say.

"You better sing!" Frigga says, grasping my hand. I clear my throat, thinking about what to sing.

All alone,

on a bro-ken throne.

Silent tears

And Swirl-ing fears

A golden trail appears in front of us, and Frigga pulls me along.

I was broken

So heartbroken

Can you hear

my quiet tears

Can you fix me

I am listening

The trail takes us to a staircase, and we fly down with reckless abandon. We stand in front of an enormous cell. Odin kneels over Loki. I fall to my knees, wrapping my fingers around the bars. I see blood on his chest, disrupting his shallow breathing. I pull open the bars, tears soaking my cheeks. I place my hands on the wound.

"Can you save him?" Frigga whispers sharply. I shrug, thinking hard. What can I do? I feel the cold slipping into my fingers, my hair blackening. Blue light starts to flow from my fingers into the wounds.

"Loki, can you hear me?" I whisper. He lifts his hand, and I wrap my fingers around his. "Keep breathing."

Loki's skin starts to turn blue. The blue light flows stronger. I lay my head by his. Loki's breathing starts to even out, becomes deeper.

"Thank you," Odin whispers. I nod, feeling the blue slip out of my skin. I fall asleep, blue light still healing Loki.


Asgardian Anarchy- Book One of The Asgardian Avenger (loki)Where stories live. Discover now