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{Hahaha, this next part is Coulson's POV (point of view) love, lokikatie}

Tony shakes the conductor's hand, hands him a wad of money, then sits by Bruce and I.

"How long till California?" I ask.

"Well, Coulson, maybe about two hours?" Tony says.

Bruce's eyes pop out of his head. "Two hours?!"

"Yep. World's fastest train, boys. We're talking serious money," Tony smirks.

"Well, we can't all be billionare-playboy-philanthropists," I say, and Tony laughs. I lean back in the soft leather chair and doze off.


"Coulson, we are there!" Tony says, and I feel a rush of adrenaline. Kates, we're coming, I think.

We thank the conductor, hop off the train, and look around.

"What's the address, Banner?" Tony says, and Bruce checks his phone.

"Just down this road, actually," Bruce says. Tony does a double take.

"Here? How did the train even get us here?" Tony says, shocked. We are standing by an old road that leads us down to the ocean. There is one large house, standing alone next to a small throng of palm trees. Just then, it started raining.

"Well, we better move. Nobody brought umbrellas," I say, taking off. Bruce and Tony follow soon after.

As we reach the house, I am unsure if anyone has been there since Katie. The paint is faded and peeling, and the doorknob is tarnished.

"Coulson, you should do the honors. She's basically your child," Tony says. I take a deep breath and pound the door.


Katie's POV

Loki and I get to the house right after I notice some men down the road. I see some shiny red and gold, so it has to be Tony and some others.

"Loki," I whisper. "That's Tony. "

"Princess, you must keep them company, don't let them suspect. They will take me back, and I still have more to say." he whispers back, then kisses my hand. I watch him walk up the stairs, thinking about what to say.

Then I hear a knock at the door. I run up to answer it.

"Hello? Coulson?" I am almost surprised.

"You're alive!" he says, overjoyed.

"Come in, you're soaked!" I say. Coulson is followed by Tony and Bruce,  who are shocked to see me.

"Katie Baby!" Tony says as he sits at the table.

"In the flesh. Are you hungry?" I ask.

"Yes! Do you even have food here?" Tony says, and Bruce nods.

"I, uh, manage," I say, pulling a bag of waffles out of the fridge.

"Waffles?" Coulson asks, confused.

"Long story, " I smile. Tony pulls out a waffle and starts eating.

"Wow, these are good! Any way, how did you get here?" Tony says, mouth full.

"Um, I guess while I was unconscious, I teleported here," I say. "How'd you find me?"

"We looked you up," Bruce says, grabbing a waffle.

"And how are you, um, in one piece?" Coulson says.

"I used my powers and a lot of gauze," I say, lifting my shirt a little to show the gauze.

"Wow. You just keep us on our toes," laughs Bruce. We all sit quietly for a while, then Coulson breaks the silence.

"Have you seen Loki?"  he blurts.

"No, why?" I say, my palms growing slick.

"He's missing, and we know he's alive. Fury is tracing his signal and Thor is contacting  Asgard. Thor is struggling though." Coulson says. I think to Loki, Anarchy? He responds with a simple, yes.

"Anyway, are you coming back to SHIELD?" Bruce asks.

"Uh, yes," I say, and I can feel Loki's surprise.

"Now?" Tony says, stuffing another waffle into his mouth.

"Yes, but only for a little while. I need to speak to Thor, " I say.

"Can you teleport us? I don't want to fly on Tony again," Bruce says. I raise my eyebrows.

"Long story," says Coulson,  taking the waffles from Tony. "Let's go."

"Just a minute, I need to get some things, " I say, rushing up the stairs. Loki, I'm sorry, but I need to talk to Thor, I think to him. It is all right, Princess. Godspeed, he thinks back. I smile and squeeze his hand. Stay, and I will return, I think to him. He squeezes my hand back. I rush down the stairs and say, "All good!"

"Teenagers," Tony says under his breath. Coulson laughs.

"Okay, everyone touch hands," I say, and everyone touches fists. Here we go. I breathe in, picture the SHIELD helicarrier, and teleport


Asgardian Anarchy- Book One of The Asgardian Avenger (loki)Where stories live. Discover now