Tapestries and Dinner Parties

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I look up at Odin, feeling stupid, embarrassed, and sick to my stomach.

"You don't have to go alone, Loki can follow," Odin says, holding out his hand. I sigh, wishing the blue would leave my skin. I take Odin's hand and stand, not wanting to speak out loud. Loki, will you come?  I think. Yes, princess, he thinks back gently. I won't let you go alone.

We walk quickly to wherever Odin is taking me. Odin stops in front of a huge wall with a beautiful, large tapestry. The pictures on the tapestry depict a man and woman, looking happy. I guess that they are Odin and Frigga. They have a blonde child with them, Thor. I look down through some of the images and see a little blue baby. Loki. Odin takes the blue baby into his home. The baby changes his form. The picture goes on to detail more of Loki's life, up until Loki is standing with a girl with blonde curls, half blue. I gasp.

Odin sees my surprise and says,"This is a life-tapestry. You may have noticed, this is Loki's, and you are on it. It sews itself with events that happen in his life. We all have one here." I examine it closely and see a little needle stitching more and more on it. Loki looks at the tapestry sadly.

"It's beautiful," I whisper.

"We noticed a new tapestry forming some time ago. It depicts you," Odin says. My mind spins. Loki slips his hand through mine, steadying me.

"Come, children," Odin says moving briskly.

We stop in front of a shorter tapestry, mine. It has a little blonde girl, standing in front of a casket, then in a desert, then with SHIELD. I look at it more, noticing the arrow, and at the very bottom, where the needle still stitches, a blue girl with black hair, sitting on the ground. Loki stands next to the girl, looking concerned and sad. I squeeze Loki's hand, watching the blue leave my fingers.

"I knew you were a Jotun, but that you were not born in Jotunheim, so I sent out spies to the Anarchy," Odin says. "The spies found a spell that the Anarchy had, and it matches you." I grasp the birdcage necklace.

"So the Anarchy had me? Did they know what would happen, that a three year old woul burn them, then freeze them as punishment? That she would end up being their bane?" I yell, feeling fire boiling inside me.

"Princess, calm yourself! I've been burned," Loki says sharply, dropping my hand.

"I'm so sorry. For everything, for burning Sif, for-, for-" I say, feeling overwhelmed.

"Child, do not be sorry for what you cannot control," Odin says, turning to leave. "Loki, make sure to bring her for dinner, your mother would like her present."

I slide to the ground, clutching the birdcage in my hand. Loki crouches next to me.

"Princess, Odin is right, you do not have to be sorry for what you can't stop," Loki says, stroking my hair. "I am glad to see that you enjoy the necklace, though." I smile, breathing deeply.

"We should probably get ready for dinner, my mother insists on our best dress," Loki says, helping me up. We walk to my room.

"Would you like me to pick you an outfit?" Loki says. "Thor has a friend coming to help with your hair, and I don't exactly trust her fashion sense. I nod, walking into the room. I might as well, he managed to pick me some wonderful clothes, I think as Loki dissappears into the closet.

Loki soon reappears, holding a mint green dress with a light grey belt and grey shoes to match. I thank him, and he goes to get ready. A few minutes after I am dressed, Thor's friend arrives.

Loki was right to pick my outfit. Thor's friend is wearing a neon pink and orange dress with pink heels. Her hair is piled up into a large bun atop her head.

"I am Frieda, and I am here to style your hair!" she grins. I smile back.

"Nothing too crazy, and I think I will be fine," I say. She nods, sitting me in a chair in front of the bathroom mirror.

Frieda whips my hair into a low bun accented with a grey ribbon.

"It's perfect," I say, hugging Frieda. Then she pulls out a box and opens it.

Rows and rows of colored powders stare at me.

"We can't forget makeup!" Frieda giggles.

I frown. "Not too much!" I say, biting my lip.

As she finishes, she says,"Trust me, you will not be the most extravagant there, and neither will I."

"People dress crazier than this?" I ask, shocked.

"At Frigga's dinner parties, everyone dresses wildly. But, I think you will be the prettiest," she says, hugging me.

"Thank you!" I say, walking out of the room with her. Frieda skips off to the dining hall, and I walk into Loki's room.

Loki smiles at me as I walk in, admiring his taste in clothing.

"Did she treat you well?" he asks, slipping on his leather boot.

"You tell me," I say, twirling to show him my hair.

"Like a princess," he grins at me. "Let us go." He takes my hand, and we walk to the dining hall.

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