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~Switching to Loki's POV for a while ;) enjoy -lokikatie~

Loki's POV

Our landing on Asgard is rough. Katie stumbles, and I reach down to help her. It is then that I realize she needs different clothes to stay hidden. I mention this to Thor, and he nods.

"Princess, how much do you like dresses?" I ask.

"Not my personal favorite, but if I need one..." she stumbles again, and I offer my arm to her.

"Do you have a color preference? Green, maybe? " I suggest. Her face at that tells me no green.

"White, or dark blue, please." she says. "Is the gravity here different? I can't seem to handle it?"

"It wasn't like this," Thor says. Then he points to the horizon. The palace I used to call home is broken, burnt, and black.

"Oh, I'm so sorry," Katie whispers, then trips. "I think I'll fly now," she says, embarrassed. Then, she jumps and floats gently, almost touching the golden floor of the Bifrost.

"We must go. Now!" Thor says, motioning to a group of men dressed in black running towards us.

"Run, Katie, run!" I yell, knowing I can't leave in time. The men surround Thor and I. Katie flys higher in the sky, panicking. If she has another attack, I can't handle it.

The men draw wicked blades and start to run closer to us. Thor runs at them, swinging his hammer. Katie lands on the ground as I start to fight.

She lights on fire, a fire that burns everything near it. Screams sound from around her.

Then the men start retreating, but Katie doesn't stop. She fires column after column of deadly fire at them, a rage in her eye that is uncomparable.

"Katie, stop! We must go!" I yell at her. Her flames disappear,  and she collapses. I run to her, pick her up, and teleport to the castle, Thor following close after.


Katie's POV

I wake up, face burning. I can remember the men running away, but I still burned. I've never done that. Maybe seeing the pain in Thor and Loki's eyes after they saw the black palace fueled my rage.

I look around, noticing the white marble walls, red carpet, and gold accents. This must be the inside of the palace, untouched by the Anarchy. I look down at my clothes, charred from the flames. Loki was right about needing clothes. I slide out of the cream colored, silky sheets, and walk over to a door that is less grand then the other door. It opens to a bathroom, not unlike Earth bathrooms. I see another door farther in and open it. A closet full of dresses, shoes, leather leggings, and tunics. And a black leather jacket, which must be from Loki.

I pick out a soft, deep blue tunic, some black leather leggings, black flats, and my leather jacket. As I pick up the jacket, a card falls out. It reads, in slanted, perfect cursive: I knew you would like this. P.S. Meet me in the room next door. Loki. I smile.

After dressing, I brush my tangled hair out with a little, ivory brush. Then, I quietly open the big, gold door, and slip into the large, marble hallway.

"My princess awakes!" I hear Loki say in his soft, British accent.

"Since when am I your princess?" I laugh.

"Come, I must introduce you to what is left of the palace inhabitants," Loki says, grabbing my arm.


As we near the dining hall, I hear loud shouts and talking.

"Pardon the noise. The others think every meal is a party, Anarchy or not," Loki says, gripping my hand. We enter the hall, and everyone quiets down, then stares at us. I smile.

"Ah, Brother! Katie! Are you ready for an Asgardian feast?" Thor asks, loudly.

"I am as ready as I'll ever be," I whisper to Loki. We sit together at the large table. The others, still silent, stare at me, and my cheeks burn red. Then some one new enters the room. Tall, bearded, and with a golden eyepatch, the newcomer stares at us, too.

"My sons have returned! And with a guest! Loki, is this your betrothed?" the man asks. Loki drops my hand.

"No father. She is the Secret keeper," Loki stutters. A loud fury of gossip starts up around us.

"The Secret keeper? Thor, tell me about her." Loki's father says, shushing all the gossip. That would be Odin, my adoptive father, Loki tells me. Betrothed?!?  That's an interesting thought, I think back. Loki looks at me and smiles.

Thor begins to tell Odin about me. "She is part of the Midgardian league of heroes.  Her name is Katie, she has secrets, she has an injury about her waist, she is very young..." He continues.

"Thor! Some things are better left unsaid!" I say, embarrassed. Everyone turns to look at me.

"Oh, so would you like to tell us about yourself?" Odin says, in a voice like Thor's.

"Odin, stop! Can you not see she is flustered?" Loki yells at Odin.

"Loki! How dare you use such language towards your father?" Odin says.

"Breakfast dismissed!" a lady with hair like mine yells. She stays while all the others file out, leaving Loki, the lady, Odin, and I.

"Thank you," I whisper to her as Loki fights with Odin. She walks over to me and takes my hand.

"Katie, I am Frigga, Thor and Loki's mother," she tells me. "I wish I could get them to stop," she says, almost challenging me.

I stand up, and in my loudest voice, yell "BOYS! I AM HORRIFICLY ASHAMED OF YOU! Fighting in front of two ladies like we are a fresh kill you need to take to your families! I expect more of you! Now sit and apologize this instant!"

The two immediately sit and say their apologies to me. Frigga looks impressed.

Frigga looks at Loki and says,"I like her." Then she walks out. Odin follows after her, looking embarrassed.

"I like you more and more," Loki smiles at me. I laugh, and we walk out of the dining hall. I hear a loud scream and feel a severe pain at my back. I fall and black out.


Asgardian Anarchy- Book One of The Asgardian Avenger (loki)Where stories live. Discover now