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I wake up, my head still resting on Loki's shoulder. I check the time kn my watch. Eleven PM. Not time to be up. Luckily, I notice that my lovely friends at SHIELD left me a blanket and a pillow.

I want to grab the pillow and blanket, but I really do not want to wake up a two hundred pound god of mischief in the middle of the night. I gently lift him up with my mind (yet another strange power), and set his head on the pillow. Then I wrap up in the blanket, close my eyes, and drift off again.


When I wake up this time, Loki is sitting across from me.

"Ah, the princess wakes. The others left you this," he says, pointing to a bag of mini chocolate-coated donuts.

"Mmm. My favorite processed food," I smile and take one out of the bag. "You can have one. I haven't seen you eat this whole time."

Loki takes one and stares at it.

"It's safe to eat, I promise. " I grin at his abstinence to it. "Just bite into it."

He takes one last look at it, then bites it daintily. After that, he swallows the rest.

"Midgardian food is not as poisonous as I thought," he laughs as he takes another.

Soon, we have finished the whole bag, thanks to Loki.

"Ha, I would have thought with your lean figure that you eat very little. Turns out you eat just as much, if not, more than your brother," I laugh as he slides over to sit with me.

"Asgardian feasts require heavy eating, in order to be polite to the hosts," he says.

"I suppose that dinner there is like Thanksgiving in the South," I laugh.

"Thanksgiving?" Loki asks, confused.

"It's a holiday where we get together as a family and talk about what we are thankful for. Then we eat lots of food," I explain.

"Oh. What are you thankful for?" he asks. "Tell me one thing."

"Well, I don't have a family, so I'd have to say my friends," I say, witha slight sigh.

"Oh, what happened to them?" he asks politely.

"Well, this is a sad story, pardon me if I cry." I reach out and take his cool hand, which scares him, but he doesn't let go.

"When I was about two, my mother died very suddenly, and my father shut down. He beat me, insulted me, even starved me. He told me that I killed my mother, that I was a worthless child. Even though I was only two, I was a very smart child, so it hurt me beyond repair. Then, one day, he changed. He was happy. My father told me that we were going to Mexico.  I was happy, Mexico was the birthplace of my mother. We drove all day to get to Mexico. Once we arrived, he told me to wait in the car so he could get us a room in the motel.

He walked off towards an alley way, away from the motel, but not away from my hearing. He was speaking to a rough group of men, faces covered in bandannas. I knew right away he was selling me to these men."

Tears started to well up in my eyes, so I stopped for a moment. Loki squeezed my hand.

I continued, "My father didn't realize that I had heard everything, so when he came back, he said, 'These men are going to take you to the princess suite!' But I knew. He let me go into these men's car. I looked back at him as the men drove away with me, and the look on his face was merciless. I will never unsee that look.

As I sat in the back of that car, I used what little Spanish I knew to decipher their rough speech. I learned that they were taking me to a man they called Tito. I was scared of Tito, what he was going to be like.

We drove all day and all night, until we landed in Mexico City. Then the men lifted me out of the car and into a bright white building. Everything blurs then. I remember painful tests and shots, then one day they let me go outside. After that, I can remember the building exploding, then freezing.

I sat as I watched the men, some frozen in midair,  terror on their faces. I remember crying, then being picked up by a man, who took me to Agent  Coulson. I've been with them ever since." I swallow hard, trying to hide the tears.

"It's okay, shh," Loki says, pulling me close. "I'm here. I won't leave."

Asgardian Anarchy- Book One of The Asgardian Avenger (loki)Where stories live. Discover now