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~Author's Note~ Characters belong to Marvel, except Katie, she is my own. Unedited, pardon the grammar. Enjoy! ♥lokikatie~

Katie's Point of View

I wake up, head throbbing. Ugh, where am I? I look up and see a plaque that states very plainly SHIELD Infirmary.  Of course. I remember now.

"Ah, Kates! You're alive and well, more or less," Coulson smiles at me. "You had an anxiety attack. A bad one, and some are thinking you-know-who brought this upon you," he says, unsure if I'm in a stable mental state.

"Yeah, Coulson. I remember now. Thanks," I say, more irritated than I thought I was. "Can I just get water, some clothes, a hairbrush..."

"In the bathroom, down the hall," Coulson helps me out of the hospital bed.

Coulson was right, everything I need was in here. Even a flexible mesh chestplate for armor, which I am extraordinarily grateful for. I walk to the cafeteria for some breakfast, seeing as Coulson didn't bring me cookies. I am greeting by the full set of Avengers and Nick Fury.

"Ah, our little demigod girlfriend! Nice to see you!" laughs Tony, which earns him what must be a really painful punch from Thor.

"Yep, I'm alive, and unfortunately back on the job," I say, grabbing two chocolate chip cookies.

"He treated you well I hope?" asks Thor.

"Yes, um, he was very reserved, I guess?" I am struggling to describe my strange encounter with the god.

"Well, it's back to work for you. You might want to grab a few more cookies, you're gonna be in all day," Fury says. I sigh and grab the whole bag of cookies.


As soon as I was settled on the floor of the case, Loki settles next to me, a little close for comfort.

"Sorry for uh, panicking," I say.

"I would like to know, was that normal for you?" Loki asks in his quiet voice.

"No. I don't know what caused that," I say.

"So you are saying it won't happen to you again?" he says.

"No, I promise." I smile. He seems genuinely concerned. Suddenly I have the urge to light something on fire. So naturally, I light my palm on fire. Loki is mystified by it.

"Don't touch it. It will burn," I say.

"Do you really think I am that stupid?" he says, offended.

"Oh, sorry," I say, extinguishing the fire. "Do you want to see something else?"

He smiles, and it gives me chills. Suddenly, I am tired. And then, I am sad beyond compare. Next, I am scared, and I feel the tight pains coming back.

"STOP!" I shout.

"I am sorry! I did not realize you were affected by that," Loki says, sounding really sorry, like he killed my grandma.

My chest loosens, and I relax. "So you were doing it? You can control my emotions?" I ask.

"I am truly sorry, my lady," he says, awkwardly.

"Oh, um, it's okay," I say. "Just don't do it again." I relax too much, and my head is on Loki's shoulder. He squirms a little, and I think about lifting my head, but I want to see his reactions further.

Some time passes and I close my eyes.


Asgardian Anarchy- Book One of The Asgardian Avenger (loki)Where stories live. Discover now