Going on a Trip

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~you can probably tell its going to end soon, but it is a trilogy so yay! Vote, comment, read, I love my fans! Also, follow @loki-avengers_stories on Instagram! Thanks for your support! - lokikatie~

Katie's POV

I smile at the clouds gathering over Asgard. I love the rain. I finish straightening my hair, smoothing it over and over. Today I'm going to go back to Earth! I ruffle my long, blue dress and look at myself in the mirror. My face has finally healed of all its bruises, allowing me to examine myself. I look older than I did a month ago, but still happy and pretty.

I rush out the door, running into the wall and falling in front of Loki.

"Are you okay, because I think you just fell for me," he smiles, helping me up.

"I'm just excited! I am full of energy and happiness," I laugh,  hugging him. He grasps my hand, and together we walk to the courtyard.  Thor sees us and comes running.

"Aha! Katie, we could be twins with your hair like this," he grins.

"I figured since today is relatively special,  I would style it differently, " I say, watching Loki swat Thor's hand away from my hair. Frigga walks up to us, smiling.

"Odin and I would like to give you a gift of thanks for helping our kingdom," she announces. Frigga opens the box she is holding and inside rests a breath taking crown. It is made of beautiful silver and has a large sapphire and small diamonds decorating it. I gasp.

"It's so beautiful! Thank you," I say, hugging her. She grins widely as Loki places it on my head.

"I picked it out. I knew you would love it. Safe travels," she nods. Loki hugs her,  and we walk to the Bifrost. Heimdall bows his head towards us.

"Thank you, Heimdall, " I smile.

"You're welcome, milady. Midgard, I suppose?" he asks. Loki nods, and the bright light of the Bifrost surrounds us. Hold on to me when we land, I say to Loki. Why? he thinks. Because I've had enough falling for today, I think.

When we land, Loki quickly wraps his arms around me. I smile, taking in the sights of New York. We must look really strange in our Asgardian attire. Loki lets go of me and looks around.

"Where do we go?" he asks.

"I suppose we can go to Stark Tower," I say.  "Teleport, of course."

Loki nods, and I teleport us to the living room of the Tower. Pepper looks scared for a moment, then smiles at me.

"You're alive! Tony's going to be way happy if I can get him out of his lab. Oh look at you, all fancy with your crown!" Pepper chatters as I hug her. Then she looks at Loki. "You must be Loki! Nice to meet you!"

Loki nods toward her and smiles. "Why isn't Tony coming out?" I question.

"You're not the only one that got engaged!" Pepper grins,  waving her hand in front of me. A large diamond ring sparkles at me.

"Oh, it's totally something Tony would get,"  I laugh. She nods.

"I've been planning the wedding, and I guess it's driving him crazy. He changed the passcodes on everything."

"Well, I can fix that!" I say, pulling Loki downstairs to the lab. I look at Tony, who is busily working behind the glass walls. Tapping on the glass, I make Loki do his evil smirk, and I put my hand on my hip. Tony looks up and spits whatever he had in his mouth all over the lab table. He runs out of the lab, staring at Loki and I.

"YOU'RE ALIVE!?!?! DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD I CRIED?!" he yells. Loki smirks a little at his outburst.

"Woah, Tony. Calm yourself! Pepper needs you, and she's got a god on her side," I say, hugging him.

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