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Katie's POV

When I wake up, Loki is still curled next to me, smiling in his sleep. I slide carefully out of bed and hunt for something to wear. I settle on a light purple tunic and black leather leggings. After brushing my hair, I realize that I have nothing to do, so I rummage through the chest at the corner of the room.

After finding some parchment and what could only be pencils, I sit at the wooden desk by the chest. After running through ideas, I settle on math, of all things. I scribble algebraic equations and numbers, working through problems with reckless abandon. I don't even realize that Loki had been standing behind me for a few minutes, staring at my work.

"What is that?" he asks, frightening me.

"Math," I say, turning back to the paper.

"Explain this math, " Loki says.

"Um, well, it's a logic where you work numbers and letters and measurements. Some people on earth solve the problems for money, or to figure out science, even to buy stuff," I say. Math is a hard concept.

"Ah, so like magic?" Loki says, confused.

"That depends on what you consider magic," I say.

"When Thor came back from his exile, he told me that a woman on earth had explained to him your science, and here on Asgard, science and magic are the same, " Loki says, looking proud of himself.

"I guess, I've never had a strong grasp on science," I say, focusing again on the algebra.

"Why not?" Loki asks.

"Because I just finished high school about a year and a half ago, and I don't have a way to go to college now," I say. "I've always had a good understanding of math,  though."

"Well, I will teach you magic then," Loki states.

"Oh, um, okay," I say, turning to him.

"Well, look at you, already dressed and clean," he says, hugging me.

"Look at you, standing in a young girl's room shirtless, " I laugh.  Loki blushes. "Well, considering the fact that I've seen all the male Avengers shirtless, this is a sight for sore eyes!"

"Well, Princess, I am going to dress myself, and I will meet you in the dining hall, " Loki says,  embarrassed.


As soon as Loki is finished dressing, we walk out to the dining hall. It is disturbingly quiet. Loki grips my hand tightly,  looking worried. We walk out to the courtyard. My heart stops. The courtyard is burned black, piles of burned things scattered everywhere. A single flag flies on a pole in the middle of the destruction, a black one with a red snake on it.

Loki stares at it all, tears running down his face.

"Oh," I whisper, falling to my knees, realizing that some of the piles are bodies. Smoke still wafts into the air.

"Princess, we must leave!" Loki whispers urgently, pulling me towards the untouched stables. After saddling the frightened horses, we kick off at a terrifying speed towards the hidden village.

Once we arrive at the village, my heart shatters. Everything is broken, burned beyond repair. I rush to the fountain, recognizing two little bodies.

"Sasha! Sara!" I yell, falling in front of the bodies.

"She's gone! My little sister," whispers Sasha, sobbing. She rests her little head on my shoulder. Loki sits next to me, rubbing the little girl's back. We all sit together, holding each other.

"Sasha, I will find whoever did this, and they will be punished," I whisper.

"Sasha!" we hear a voice call.

"Mama!" Sasha yells back, running to an injured lady.

"My baby, you're still alive!" the mother says.

"Sara isn't, Mother, but the princess is going to help us!" Sasha says to her mother. Her mother looks relieved.

"Can you help the others?" she asks.

"I will do whatever it takes," I say as the mother leads us to a group of hurt people. They all look broken, and I scan for familiar faces.

"Brother!" I hear a loud voice shout. "Please come!" Loki goes running through the crowd, and I follow quickly. We stand in front of Thor, cradling Sif. Loki immediately rests his hands on Sif's burn, letting the green light replenish the skin.

"Thor, do you know where the Anarchy went?" I ask, ready to inflict pain.

"They went to the mountains, Katie. I do not think you should go-" Thor says, holding the now healed Sif. Loki grabs my arm, looks me dead in the eye, and shakes his head in a violent no.

"Loki, they killed Sara, injured Sif, kidnapped your father and your mother, I'm going," I say. Loki looks at me, pain, anger, and sadness clouding his emerald eyes. Suddenly loud screaming erupts from the fountain area.

"ANARCHY!" someone yells. Everyone runs to cover, but Loki and I stand our ground. The men that attacked us appear, some with wild burns across their faces. We fight, me with my sword, Loki with his mind.

Men fall left and right,  but we are  desperately outnumbered. I start to burn, and I lose myself. The Anarchy retreats, leaving me alone. My heart pounds, realizing that Loki is nowhere to be seen. Loki?! I call with my mind. I strain myself to hear the response. Princess, I love you with all my heart. Stay safe, is his reply. I am broken. I don't even realize when Thor picks me up and carries me to a small village bed.


Asgardian Anarchy- Book One of The Asgardian Avenger (loki)Where stories live. Discover now