(Ch.2) Crossing Roads

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1:23 Pm Your POV

You: So why am I staying again?

Ozpin: I had a request filled in for you, that is why I have you waiting here at this very moment.

You: Okay..?

That's when the buzzer on Ozpin's desk rings to let him know that someone is in the elevator.

Ozpin: Come in.

The door opens and a big military man who you know, from Winter, as General Ironwood, the headmaster of Atlas.

Ironwood: Ozpin.

Ozpin: Hello General.

Ironwood: Please, drop the formalities. It's been too long. *Shakes Ozpin's hand* And Glynda. It has certainly been too long since we last met.

Glynda: Oh James... I'll be outside. *Walks to the elevator*

You: Well that was a little awkward if you ask me..

Ironwood: Is this the young man?

Ozpin: Indeed he is.

You: I'm what now?

Ironwood: Well I should introduce myself-

You: I know who you are, you're General Ironwood, headmaster of Atlas. What brings you to Beacon Sir.

Ironwood: Does his research, knows his stuff, and quite the gentleman himself. You have a very proud and proper student here Ozpin.

Ozpin: Yes, yes, I would say he keeps giving me promise. But do you have it finished.

Ironwood: Yes, I finished it myself and it is with me now.

You: Finished what?

Ironwood: Did you not tell him Ozpin?

Ozpin: No, I wanted it to be more of a surprise to him.

You: Um, I'm right here, you can address me directly.

Ironwood: Sorry, *clears throat* Mr. -Y/N -L/N, I have something to give you from your accomplishments working for us. And so on a request from Ozpin, my team and I could only salvage so much from the two. Fortunately there was enough parts to make one of them.

You: What is it? What do you mean?

Ironwood: I mean this.

Ironwood reaches behind him to pull out a bigger than usual gun, It catches your eye, in fact it looks like Scarlet and Rose. The only thing is that it is much bigger.

You: What is this?

Ironwood: This, well this is your newly made weapon, to make up for the one's you lost a couple weeks back, Ozpin sent us all the pieces. Then me and my team found the best from the two guns to make one stronger and better weapon.

Ironwood hands you the gun and instantly feel the weight of it. You examine it and see the original designs on the it, while some traces of Atlas written on it.

You: Thank you, Ironwood.

Ironwood: It is my pleasure, but I'm afraid it's time for you to leave, I have some matters to discus with Ozpin here.

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