(Ch.8) Drowning Memories

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9:47 PM Your POV

After a little while, you kinda forgot about your little incident as you watched the party die down in a relaxing mood.

You spot over Professor Port and Dr. Oobleck. They seem to have a nice chat going around as you see Port laughing.

 Then you turn your head to see Ozpin and Glynda standing next to each other. Then comes Ironwood to whisk her away to a private dance.

You rested yourself for a moment. Then as you walked down the stairs you brought your attention towards Jaune and Ruby talking.

Ruby: Sorry things didn't work out with Weiss.

Jaune: Meh, it's fine; Neptune's pretty cool. I get why she went with him.

Ruby: What do you mean?

Jaune: Well, come on. Not many people can pull off blue hair.

Ruby: No, I mean Weiss came to the dance alone.

Jaune: *Gag~Cough* Uh, what!?

Ruby: Yeah, she said that she had something else on her mind and came alone.

Jaune: *Grunts* Hold my punch.

Jaune starts to walk towards Neptune before he gets distracted by Pyrrha walking by. She walks up the stairs and follows her.

You: Well that's gonna be a bomb defuse if I ever saw one. Oh well, good luck Jaune.

You decided to talk with Neptune and tried to make your way there, but it seems he went the same way that Jaune did.

You: Oh for fu-

You had followed Neptune to his path and as you were climbing the stairs, you saw Pyrrha walk past you with a sad look on her face.

You tried to say something but nothing came from your mouth. You continued to walk towards Jaune and Neptune.

Neptune: Hey, uh...Jaune, right?

Jaune: *Sighs* Yeah.

Neptune: This party's pretty lame, huh? I mean ballroom dancing: Pbbfff.

Jaune: Yeah *sounds annoyed*

Neptune: Cute girls though, huh?

Jaune: *Grunts* Is that all you think about?

Neptune: Huh?

Jaune: D-do you even care about the girls you're hitting on? How they feel about you.

Neptune: Whoa, where's this coming from!?

Jaune: How could you turn her down like that?

Neptune: Wait, w-who?

Jaune: Weiss!

Neptune: Well uh.. It didn't work out you know.

Jaune: What? You think you're too cool? Too many other options? Weiss Schnee asked you to the dance. What in the world could possibly keep you from go-

Neptune: I was the one who asked her out...

Jaune: H-Huh!?

Neptune: I think you heard wrong... But I was the one who asked her out.

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