(Ch.11) Reunited Souls

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Your POV

You were walking back to the meet point where the group should be, it seems you were the first to get there.

You: Where is everyone?

Yang: Right here! *Wraps arm around your head* Did you miss me?

You: *Struggling* Gosh Yang! Let go!

Yang: What will you do in return when I do?

You: I'll wack you on the head that's what!

Yang: Playing hard to get eh?

You managed to get out of her hold, giving her a mean look before stretching your neck out from the pain.

You: That hurt you know-

Before you could finish your sentence, Yang gripped your shoulders and flung you into a kiss. She teased you with her lips before giving in to the kiss.

You both backed off to catch your breath.

Yang: Does that makeup for what I did?

You: I suppose so...

Yang: You know you liked it. I sure did. *raises eyebrows seductively*

You: *Blushing* Yeah, so what if I did?

Yang: Oh, nothing...

You: *Sigh*

Soon after, Blake, Weiss, and Ruby returned and you all took a small break and talked a little.

After a bit, the girls started to tease you a bit by giving you tons of hugs, kisses on the checks, even some on the lips, chasing you, you name it. But before long, you all got tired.

Blake: Even though we are in a Grimm-filled wasteland, it's still nice to have fun with each other, don't you think?

Ruby: Yeah, especially with our -Y/N. *giggles*

Yang: I'll say, I think it was nice while it lasted.

Weiss: I'm just glad we had the time to do this. Because I can see Dr. Oobleck coming now.

You: Huh? *Turns to see* Where?

Then as you let your guard down, all four girls gave you kisses on your cheeks. You blew up in red and sat down in embarrassment.

Some time passes and Oobleck appears to you all.

Oobleck: I do believe we are done for today it seems. It's going to be dark soon. *Tosses bag to Yang and she gives a grunting sound* You four set camp in the building. Oh and please do make sure that there are no more of those creatures. Your leader and I are going to secure the perimeter. Come, Ruby.

Oobleck walks off with Ruby while the rest of you have unsure expressions before walking into the building.

You: I'll get the fire started.

Blake: Okay, me and Yang will set up the bedrolls.

Weiss: I'll keep a lookout.

You: Alright.

You grab the materials needed from the bag and set up the fire pit. You slowly have to start it with flint and steel.

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