(Ch.6) Resting Ocean Pt.1

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Your POV

You felt a little tired last night after with Jaune and Pyrrha. So from time to time you had drifted off to sleep.

Ruby, Weiss, and Yang were in the dance hall talking about a few things about Blake and the dance itself.

You were walking towards the dance hall to talk to them when you found them talking to Sun and Neptune.

Yang: Guys, trust me. Blake will definitely be going to the dance. Oh, hey -Y/N I didn't see you there.

You: Nah I just got here, I'm gonna have to leave for a bit on to... "Shop" I was wondering anyone wanted to come.

Weiss: Sorry... I kinda have to stay here..

Yang: Me too, and I was about to talk with Blake.

Ruby: Me, I can go.

You: Alright, I guess me and You Ruby.

Ruby's POV

I finally was able to get together with -Y/N... I kinda wanted this for a little while now.. But here we are. Going in town together like a... A date.. A nice one at that.

I want to tell him my feelings but I'm not sure how...

We walked by some stores that seemed a little interesting in a matter of speaking.

But then we came to a fancy clothing store for both men and women. Me and -Y/N went inside and started to look for something to wear at the dance.

You: So I'll need to get a suit for me. Do you need anything Ruby?

Ruby: Umm... Well I don't particularly have a dress for the dance.. Hehe..

You: Oh, well I can help you look for one if you want.

Ruby: Hehe.. Thanks I guess but I'm not the dress type..

You: Come on, I think you would look good in a dress.

Ruby: *Blushes* W..What did you say?!

You: What, I think you would look really cute in a dress.

I couldn't keep my face calm and showed a lot of blush on my face...

You: You alright?

Ruby: Yeah, just.. A little embarrassed by this.

You: Haha, well I already found you one.

Ruby: Oh Thanks for that- Wait! Whatow did you- Uh... Uh! Why!? H..How!?

You: Well it is quite simple to find a dress for your size and color.

Ruby: Uh.. What?

You: Well, look.

-Y/N showed me a dark red dress in his hands. He kept gesturing to me with it. After a little, I agreed to put it on.

Ruby: Fine, I.. I guess I can put it on.

You:.. Do you think you need any help?

Ruby: No, No, I think I can manage.

You: Well okay, I'm gonna get my suit.

Your POV

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