(Ch.4) Darkened by Destruction

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8:57 Pm Your POV

After reaching the rooftops, you quickly tried to get to Blake's position as soon as you could. You couldn't call her scroll, for the fact that it might reveal her and Sun's position. It was still a long run even with being on the roofs.

After what felt like a couple of miles, you saw the White Fang hideout. You approached it and shot your grapple and swung there.

You climbed up the building and saw a sky light to see into the building.

As you crept up to see what was going on, you saw a huge crowd of recruits with other White Fang. You spotted Sun and Blake as they were near the front of the stage.

On that stage was Roman, and a giant Mech from Atlas behind him. You heard foot steps behind you, you swiftly turned around and saw no one was there...

You: What? I swore I heard someone...

Diya: You did..

Before you could react, Diya grabbed you and tossed you to another building, making you hit the wall. He jumped right in front of you.

You: I should have known you would showed up Diya.

Diya: My dearest apologies, should I have stabbed you instead -Y/N.

You: Don't be such a smart ass.

You got to your feet and drew Grimm Hunter.

Diya: Fine... At least we can have some fun, before I go.

You: You always run away, are you that busy or are you just late to something.

Diya: Very funny...

Diya rushes in swinging across your chest plate nearly touching and cutting it. You parried by knocking your hilt on his sword, causing him to bring it up.

You followed through by kicking him in the gut. Pushing him back to the edge.

Diya recovered and shot at you, you blocked each one and shot a wave of energy from your sword.

The red static lightning shot towards him as he tried to block it. He cut it away as he jumped into the air and started to come down on you.

You dodge with a back flip and did a punch to his chest. Then you followed up with a kick and knee to his face.

You had him in a clinch and kicked away his sword. You got around and threw him to the ground.

As you did this, he grabbed your arm and wrapped his legs around it giving you an arm bar hold and twisting your arm.

You felt the pain sharply hit your arm as you felt it slowly breaking. You grabbed Diya's arm and lifted him from the ground.

Then with one huge motion and quickly slammed him to the ground, stunning him and letting you go.

You climbed on top of him and started punching him in the face, hitting his mask gave you some cuts and bruises, and slowly started to bleed.

He caught one of your strikes and kneed you in the chest then kicked you in the face sending you flying to the wall with blood pouring from your head.

As you both got to your feet, you felt a vibration in the area. You turned your head and see Sun and Blake running. Soon after comes that same Mech bursting out of the buildings.

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