(Ch.12) Reunion (Volume Finale)

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Your POV

You started to run towards where everyone went, you see a train being ready to depart. Then a speaker comes on.

Roman: Get to your places, we are leaving now!

You: What!?

You see as the train starts to move away, your team is behind it.

Ruby: Where's -Y/N!?

Blake: He's over there!

Weiss: Come on, we need to go!

Oobleck: We must proceed now!

Then some White Fang members start to fire at you guys, you rush towards them.

You block a couple of the bullets and cut down a few before more show up.

Yang: What are we gonna do!?

You: You guys go and stop that train! I can handle these guys!

Ruby: We are not leaving you again!

You: Ruby! Don't worry, I got this, I'm pretty sure I can handle myself here..!

Ruby: Alright...

Blake: Lets hurry!

You watch as they board the train and wielding both blades you fend off the remaining members.

You're still badly injured from your last fight so it takes you a little more time to finish them off.

After taking down the last of them you make your way towards the tracks. You stare down the tunnel and still see it in the distance.

You: Well that's a long trip. I guess now's a good time as any...

You sheath your weapons and let your aura enclose you in its shadow, your body becoming it's shape and form. You feel yourself transform, your body turns bigger and get stronger in size.

Then your shadowy form reveals itself of a giant shadow of a wolf.

You stare down the tunnel and get into a stance, you then start to get a running start before taking off in a mad dash towards the train.

Then you travel as fast as a shadow and a blur of particles of how fast you are moving, you quickly catch up towards the trains rear, and closely reach it.

Then in one big motion you leap onto the train car. You see your team running away from a hatch, you then notice the car detached itself with you on it.

With your reflexes, you leap over everyone and land on your hind legs.

Yang: -Y/N! You made it!

You: ~Just in time too...~ ~I'm glad you guys are safe.~

Blake: Not for long.

You turn and see droves of enemies racing toward you guys. Oobleck runs forward to check a hatch.

Oobleck: They all have bombs!

The bomb activates and the train detached itself and starts to give way. You leap onto the next car with the others.

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