(Ch.3) The Calling Storm

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4:00 Pm Your POV

You: The girls should be done with their classes by now.

You were in your dorm due to returning from completing a mission for Ozpin, you just arrived from taking down a gang operation in Vale.

You walked into the bathroom to clean yourself up and get changed into your gear. After a little while, you heard your team knock on the bathroom door.

Yang: -Y/N are you in there?

You: Yeah, I'm about done.

Ruby: Okay, we will be getting ready now.

You: Sure, I'll see you in a bit.

You finish getting your stuff on when you noticed something different in your reflection in the mirror. As you looked closer you saw a quick flash of red and black aura before it disappeared.

You give yourself one more good look, examining further but nothing else happens. You brush it off and head out.

You: Weird...

You turn and leave the bathroom and see the girls done with their new outfits and styles.

You: Looking good girls.

Yang: Don't you think?

Blake: I say a little bit different than usual.

Weiss: I find my elegance to my and your liking.

Ruby: Wah! D..Don't say that *blushes*

You: No, you guys really do look good.

Ruby: Well guys, today is the big investigation, so no slacking on the job!

You: Whatever you say.

Weiss: I'm glad to see we're taking this seriously.

Yang: Hey we got a plan. That's... moderately serious.

You: Right, everyone remember their roles?

Weiss: Ruby and I will head to the CCT and check the Schnee records for any other Dust robberies, or inconsistencies. Seeing as I am in the family, It shouldn't be a problem.

Blake: The White Fang has regular faction meetings to hand out orders and recruit new members. If I can get in, I can hopefully find out what they are planning.

Yang: I have an old friend on the shady side of town that typically knows everything going on in Vale. Getting information from him wouldn't be too hard.

Ruby: Great, we'll meet up tonight near Yang to go over what we've found. Let's do this!

Sun: Yeah!

You all turn to see Sun hanging from his tail looking into the door you all back up in shock.

Everyone: Sun!

Yang: How did you get up there?

Sun: Ah it's easy I do it all the time.

Weiss: You do what!?

Sun: I climb trees all the time! So... Are we getting back at that Torchwick guy?

Blake: (Steps forward) We, are going to investigate the situation. As a team.

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