(Ch.5) Lost In Echos

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6:30 AM Your POV

You were peacefully sleeping in your bed with Yang and Blake until a slight noise jolted your sleep. You soon realized it was your alarm clocks going off waking you guys.

You: Oh... Is it already time to wake up *Yawn*

Ruby: Y..Yeah.. *Yawn*

Weiss: Today is the qualifiers for the Vytal tournament.

Blake: *Sigh* Let's just get this over with.

Yang: Ahh... Time to wash up..

You: Don't take too long Yang.

Yang: I'll try not too.

After an hour or so getting ready to head out, you felt a slight wave of dizziness that nearly makes you fall to the ground, but Ruby sees you and catches you.

Ruby: Woah, -Y/N.. You all right?

You: Y..Yeah.. Just felt a little dizzy that's all...

Ruby: Are you sure?

You: Yeah.. Just, give me a minute.

Ruby: Alright..

After setting you down, you told them that they can go ahead while you recovered.

Yang and Blake gave you a kiss before leaving and the others followed them.

After what seemed like an hour but was 5 minutes of non-stop headaches and waves of dizziness it had started to calm down a bit.

You walked into the bathroom and looked at yourself in the mirror.

As you stared back at your self, you felt and saw the same black aura nearly visible around you.

You: *breathing heavily* Dracul, what the hell is going on..

Dracul: You know what it is, your soul is linked with mine, did you forget I am a Grimm Dragon.

You: Hehe.. Yeah, I kinda forgot your still effecting me even today.

Dracul: Just calm down, control yourself and ignore it.

You: Ignore it? Are you serious, this is taking a bit of a toll on me you know.

Dracul: I know, but it is fun to watch you try.

You: *Sigh* Fine.. Just shut up..

Dracul: Whatever, just shape up.

After that little confirmation, you feel yourself return to normal and you leave the dorm to the arena.

You just arrived to the arena and saw the final moments of Cardin's team getting destroyed by Pyrrha.

Glynda sees you and motions you to the arena area.

Glynda: So... Mr.-L/N why are you late to the pre-qualifiers today?

You: Well, long story short I felt a little dizzy after waking up, Ruby and them can say the same.

She turns to see the girls nod in that you were saying the truth.

Glynda: Your tardiness is excused, now that the match has concluded, with -Y/N being late still, the next match will be with -Y/N and the challenger.

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