Chapter 1

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"Alright, guys, let's get a pic," Dinah crouched down to take a selfie of her and her crew right in front of a waterfall. For about a year, the six of them had been traveling the world, backpacking around South America, Europe, Australia, Asia, and now, their last stop: Hawaii.

"I'm gonna miss Hawaii so much," Dinah whined sadly.

"I can't believe we go home tomorrow," Jonah sighed. They were done for the day and back at their condo, all cleaning and packing, not ready to say goodbye to their incredible trip.

"I knowww," Dinah pouted, starting to pack up the kitchen. "But I'm excited to see my friends and family again!"

"You're always video chatting with them every day anyway," Scarlett giggled, helping Dinah clean out the cupboards.

"Yeah, I can't stay away. Oh! That reminds me, I have a Skype call with Lauren right now," the Tongan checked the time and rushed away into her bedroom to get her MacBook.

Dinah: Hey you ready?

Lauren: Been ready for 10 mins

Chuckling and shaking her head, Dinah logged onto Skype and called her best friend. She hadn't talked to her for a few weeks and was excited to catch up on anything she missed. It was tiring but she liked being the rock of the group even after Fifth Harmony disbanded years ago.

"Hey, girl!" Lauren exclaimed with a cheerful tone and expression. Dinah's face lit up at the Cuban with long brunette hair and wearing a pink hoodie she had sent her for Christmas from Tokyo.

"Lolo! What's up?! Wearing the Tokyo hoodie I got you for Christmas?" Dinah smirked.

"Of course," Lauren smiled proudly. "So, girl, you come home tomorrow?!"

"Yep! Flying right into LAX," Dinah pursed her lips.

"Wow, it's been so long since I've seen you. A year right?" Lauren asked with widened eyes.

"Yeah, pretty much. I honestly don't know how I did it. I miss you guys so much," Dinah frowned, looking pained.

"Me too," the brunette frowned right back. "Maybe I'll get the girls and we'll pick you up?"

Dinah's frown faltered, turning into a shocked expression. "Lauren... no..."

Lauren giggled, "Dinah.... yes... we haven't seen you in a fucking year! And we need a 5H reunion."

"You're all in Miami. Why would you fly to LA just to do that?" she laughed softly.

"Because you're are best friend and that's what best friends do," Lauren stated sweetly.

"Aw, Lo! You're too much! But okay!" Dinah threw her hands up. "Do what you want. I'm supposed to arrive by 4:30."

"Perfect. I'll round them all up and we'll fly out in the morning," Lauren grinned and Dinah melted at how caring she was. Still the same considerate Lauren she's always known. She was always so grateful for still remaining like sisters after all these years.

"Do you mean 'all' as in all of the girls...?" Dinah hesitantly asked.

The green-eyed woman looked down, "I... uh... mean just the three of us?"

"Okay," Dinah nodded understanding, "That's cool."


"Cool," the blonde smiled assuringly. "So, where even are you right now? I feel like you live all over the place."

"Well, I'm settling with Mani at the moment in our apartment," Lauren answered, looking around her living room. "Max is over right now, taking a nap in his portable crib."

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