Chapter 14

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February 2028

Camila's POV

"Are you ready now, Julia?" I happily questioned my daughter who was preparing the tea and sandwiches Marilyn, our chef, had just made for her.

"Yes, come in, Mommy!" I could hear her skip over to open the door, letting me into her bedroom. I giggled at her cuteness with her bright smile, sparkling brown eyes, and brunette hair that always reminded me of mine. She was my exact mini me.

As we walked in, there was the small table that was filled with the tea party set up that she worked so hard to get ready.

"Woww, this looks amazing, Mija. I'm impressed," I sat down with a beaming grin as I watched her carefully hand me a paper tea cup that was full of iced tea (all for safety measures).

"Here's your tea and sandwich," she also slid over the tiny paper plate as well. "Oh and you gotta wear a crown."

"Oh, of course! It is a princess tea party," I smirked, putting the golden plastic tiara on top of my head that matched her magenta one.

"Now drink the tea and we'll listen to music," she padded over to her speaker that was against the wall and started playing one of my albums.

"Nice song selection," I chuckled, sipping from the cup before spotting some of her barbies that were also seated on the other chairs. "Are those the other guests?" I asked.

"Yep," she responded confidently and picked up the Ken doll who had a mini crown on his head. "This is my prince."

"Your prince?" my eyes widened at that unexpected remark. She was only 3 and already knew of romance? What was she being taught at her day care?

"Yeah," she nodded. "I have a prince like you have a princess."

"I have a princess?" I giggled. "And who might that be?"

"Mama," she hummed.

"Aww," I frowned as my heart melted. "Mama's actually my queen."

"Queen?" she looked up curiously, stepping over to me.

"Yep," I smirked and pulled her into my arms. "We're both queens and you're our little princess."

"Ahh mommyyy!" she laughed as I attacked her face with kisses.

"Hey, you know what I think we should do?" I stopped, keeping her close.

"What?" she whispered.

"I think we should take some tea and a sandwich to Mama," I said which caused her to excitedly gasp.

"Yeah! Let's go!" she grabbed the plates while I took the cups and we both walked out and over to the office where Lauren was working. "Mamaaaa!" she shouted, running in her adorable little princess dress.

"Heyy," Lauren sat in the chair, eyes focused on the computer screen.

"This is for you," Julia set down the plate on the desk while I gave her the cup.

"And here's the tea," I smiled. "Julia and I thought you might like some since we were having so much fun at the tea party."

"Oh, really?" she giggled, picking our daughter up to place her on her lap.

"You're mommy's queen and I'm your princess," she said, hugging her mother. Ugh, how was she so damn cute?

"Oh, absolutely! Mi bonita princesa," my wife also attacked her with loads of kisses. It was clearly something we both loved to do, especially when we tucked her in at night.

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