Chapter 9

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Camila's POV

"I think I finally have it," I breathed, astonished that my masterpiece was pretty much finished.

"Have what?" Casey turned to me, looking confused.

"My song," I smiled back as we sat quietly on the tour bus. "My song that I've been working on for months now." I shifted up on the couch to hand her my notebook filled with the lyrics.

"Say You Won't Let Go," she nodded, reading it over and smiling. "Aww, it's so cute!"

"Isn't it?" I smirked, giggling. "I have yet to record it but it's some of my most treasured work."

"I don't even have to guess who this piece is about," she further added.

"You don't have to guess who this whole next album is about," I chuckled, looking at some of the other songs I've also written on my laptop. So many words came to me the second Lauren asked me to be her girlfriend. I think I've even written about 30 to 40 songs since moving to California.

Casey scoffed, "A whole other album?"

"I have to put these songs somewhere," I shrugged.

"Sometimes you need a break, honey. Why don't you take this next year off?" she suggested.

"And do what?" I looked at her as if she was crazy. "I haven't had a break since I was 15. I can't just not do anything. This whole summer was my break anyway."

"A whole summer yet you've still written so many songs," she giggled. "Do you ever have a day where you just do nothing?"

"Nope. Music is something I'll do every day for the rest of my life," I grinned proudly.

It was true. There wasn't ever a time where I wasn't working. Almost 10 years into this industry and I've managed to establish the reputation I've always wanted for myself. I wanted to do everything from writing, recording and releasing an album every year since going solo to doing other things like acting and writing books which I've also done. But I wasn't slowing down now. Especially not after writing like a crazy person about the person I was crazy about. Fuck it, I wanted to release a whole album about the love for my girlfriend and call it "Lauren." I wanted to fully dive into everything I was remotely passionate about.

Nothing can stop Camila Cabello from doing what she wants.

Lauren's POV

Senior year was off to a rough start. I mean, the work load was fine. I wasn't giving myself too much hard work as it was my last year, but missing Camila really impacted me. I found myself thinking about her every minute of every day. When I woke up in my cold, lonely bed, to eating breakfast without her, in class, doing homework and studying, and every evening right when I was falling asleep. My mind was on Camila all the time.

But it wouldn't be too long till she was here in Miami for her concert. I'd been counting down the days till September 16th... the day Camila would be in my arms again and my heart would be healed.

It was crazy how much this let it affect me. I never felt this strong about a woman and let her take up my mind as much as Camila has. Lucy didn't even do this to me. I wasn't crazy about her as much.

When September 16th finally arrived, I was right there waiting for her the second she stepped off her tour bus at the American Airlines Arena where she was performing her concert at. The feeling of her wrapped around me in her "koala hug" was one of the most precious and relieving feelings I've had since leaving her. And the amount of "I've missed yous" and "I love yous" and of course kisses, was such a high number I couldn't keep track of.

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