Chapter 12

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February 2023

Lauren's POV

I couldn't remember the last time I'd felt this nervous. For months, weeks, days and hours had Camila and I anticipated this very moment. The 2023 Grammy Awards.

This year, Camila was nominated for Best Pop Solo Performance for her song "Say You Won't Let Go" and boy, were we hyped. It wasn't her first Grammy nomination but this one felt the most achievable. Plus, this was the first nomination for her solo work and not a collab so, we really wanted this one.

I sat with her and her team, squeezing the fuck out of her hand. "Babe, are you okay?" she whispered from my right.

I let go of my lip that I was biting with my teeth. "Yeah, just nervous," I whispered right back.

"I can see that," she chuckled, kissing the back of my hand that undoubtedly made me blush. Damn, almost two years back together and she still made my heart burst.

"You're gonna win this one, Camz," I nodded assuringly.

She frowned, "Against Demi, Ariana and Halsey though? They're all legends."

"So are you," I shook my head like I couldn't believe she was doubting herself.

"I don't know," her leg started to nervously shake but turned to me with a teasing grin. "But on the bright side, you'll be happy for the winner no matter who it is."

"Oh yeah? And why's that?" I tilted my head.

"You have crushes on everyone else in the category," she shrugged teasingly.

I couldn't help but release her hand and slump down in my chair. Shit. "Yeah... let's not get into that right now."

"Because it's true," she giggled. "Has Ari ever called you back?"

"Fuck off," I gritted through my teeth, averting my eyes and slightly sweating of embarrassment.

"I'm kidding, baby," she kissed my cheek, trying to hold my hand again. "I'm just trying to distract myself from the anxiety."

"Hey, the only nominee in this category I'm concerned about winning is you and only you," I reached up to hold her chin to bring her lips to meet mine.

"Mmm, Lauren, there's cameras," she pulled away with a cute blush.

"I don't care," I replied, going back in and not giving a fuck about anyone seeing our affection. Not even worldwide television.

"You certainly aren't the same Jauregui you were before," she joked, pursing her lips.

"I hope that's a good thing."

"It's a great thing," she smiled so brightly that I just had to kiss her at least once more.

Right when we returned from commercial break, it was time. The moment of truth for Camila... and for well, all of us. The big screen showed the nominees that were indeed the incredible women Camila had just listed. Halsey and Demi were super great friends of mine and I while I had always supported her, I was still a little salty about Ariana never giving me the time of day. But whatever. This was my favorite girl in the world's time.

"And the winner is..... Camila Cabello for Say You Won't Let Go," Vanessa Hudgens spoke into the microphone, the audience cheering. It felt like a surreal moment as Camila and I immediately stood up, me going in for the hug and kiss on her cheek. Everything happened so fast and I could tell Camila really wanted to cry but she said herself that she needed to be as poise and put together as possible. Oh well, I cried on the inside for her.

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