Chapter 3

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"Lo, put down your stupid book and play with me!" Normani tugged on Lauren's sleeve, nagging her.

"It's not stupid. It's a good book," Lauren glared at her, pulling her arm back. "I love Magic Tree House," she mumbled with a pout.

"Can't you read it when you get home? Please, just play? I am your best friend," Normani sassed, resting her hands on her hips.

"Fine," Lauren rolled her eyes and got up from the table to follow her friend over to the play area during after school day care. "What are we playing?"

"Hmmm," Normani searched the shelves filled with games, puzzles, and toys. "How about... Twister?" she got the box down.

"Twister?" Lauren glared once more. "We need more people for that."

"Okay," Normani scanned the room for some potential players and laid her eyes on two other little girls both with dark brunette hair sat down at a table. "Let's go ask them. They look like they need some friends." Lauren gave her an unsure shrug but followed suit and approached the two girls that were looking at some book. "Hello," Normani smiled at them as their gaze was still fixated downward.

The older brunette, Ally Brooke, slowly looked up to meet the kind smile and immediately matched the expression. "Hi!" Ally beamed at Normani.

"My name's Normani. What's yours?" she asked kindly.

"Allyson... but Ally for short," the fourth grader giggled. "And this is my little buddy Karla," she put her arm around Camila's shoulder. They had paired together part of the second and fourth grade buddy program so, it was Ally's job to be there for Camila. "She doesn't speak English all that much but I help her out as best I can." Camila shyly half smiled at Normani and looked back and forth between her and Lauren. Lauren also glanced at the younger girl a few times, thinking she was a cutie.

"Cool! This is my little buddy Lauren," Normani put her arm around Lauren's shoulder just like how Ally did while Lauren gave a shy wave. "But we're both in the same class."

"Oh, nice!" Ally nodded sweetly.

"Do you guys wanna come play Twister with us?" Normani asked.

"Yeah, sure! You want to, Karla?" Ally turned to the youngest sporting a confused expression.

"T-twister?" Camila questioned softly.

"Es un juego divertido," Lauren stepped in to answer in Spanish for Camila's better understanding.

"Cómo juegas?" Camila looked at the Cuban with a growing smile.

"Te lo voy a mostrar," Lauren gestured for Camila to go with her.

"Gracias, Lauren," Ally grinned brightly at the Cuban-American.

"De nada!" The four girls walked over to the play area together and started on the game. Lauren continued to explain to Camila the rules in Spanish. Ever since then, the girls became super close and the rest was history.

Camila's POV

Living with Lauren and Dinah continued to go pretty well. We worked well together and had fun just like Dinah promised we would. At first, I was obviously hesitant about this whole thing but Lauren and I got on more and more each day.

After how we left things a few years ago, I didn't know what we would become. Probably nothing. We didn't talk or even see each other at anything. We were just two different people, living different lives. It was quite sad how we were so important to each other, had a huge impact on each other's lives, and then just like that, everything vanished.

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