Chapter 15

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A/N: Congrats! You've finally made it to the end of the series. Enjoy this final chapter of it all. It's mainly about Camren's family in the future. See y'all on the other side!

May 2033

Lauren's POV

"And the winner of the 2033 Brentwood Middle School Art Fair is...." Camila, Lucy, Gabe, and I were about to pass out from anticipation for Max. I could tell he was nervous as hell up there with his peers, hoping for his name to be called.

"Max Jauregui," the announcer clapped her hands at the podium and stepped over to shake my son's hand. Oh, thank god.

"Wooo!" we all cheered for our boy in a standing ovation just as the rest of the audience did. Damn, for a middle school contest, this was intense. Well, we sent our kids to one of the top most expensive private K-12 schools in LA so, I guess it made sense.

I proudly watched my 13-year-old receive his plaque and take pictures next to his insanely beautiful handmade sculpture of a castle with two dragons on it. I loved his nerdy self so much.

"Duuude!!! You won!" I was the first to embrace him in a squeeze hug as soon as we got to see him in the lobby. I didn't let my proud smirk falter as I watched the other parents hug their loser kids.

"I did it! Oh my god," he sighed in relief, hugging me tightly.

"I'm so so so proud of you," I cupped his face to kiss his cheek. "I knew you had it in the bag the minute I saw your piece. You're the most talented kid here."

He chuckled with a slight blush, "Thanks, Mama."

"Maaax!!" Lucy and Gabe came over next to congratulate him while I looked over to Camila who was struggling to keep our other children in line. More so our 2-year-old twins.

"Can we leave now?" Logan muttered to his mother.

"Not yet, Loge. Be nice," she furrowed her brows as I caught up to them.

"But it's summer. I shouldn't even be in this stupid place anymore," he grumbled seeing as how it was his last day of school today.

"Hey, chill. Go congratulate your brother," I interrupted, holding onto his shoulders to push him along.

"He'll be our sweet little angel again one day," my wife huffed, picking up Tony who was on the verge of a temper tantrum.

"When he stops being a punk," I chuckled, shaking my head.

"And we haven't even hit the teen years yet," she remarked, making me internally groan. Ugh, teenagers were such a pain in the ass.

"Mama, Lissa needs changed," Julia handed me her sister's hand.

"Again?" I frowned, picking her up and already smelling the foul stench.

"I need a potty," Melissa said, looking highly uncomfortable.

"Well, it's a little late for that, huh, sweetheart?" I bit back from laughing but it was still kind of funny and cute.

"Yeah, I think we should just go home," Camila said as Tony was messing up her hair.

"Good idea."


Back at the house as we all ate dinner together, I couldn't help but smile at my family. I did this every night we ate together but tonight was special seeing as how Max, Lucy, Gabe and their two other daughters, Isabella and Victoria, joined us. We've come a long way to get to a point where it was normal and chill to do things together like this.

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