Chapter 6

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Camila's POV

"Mila!" Dinah kept interrupting me while I was trying to peacefully write a song for her.

"Dammit, Dinah, what do you want?! I'm writing a song for your album you know," I finally snapped at her after she did this to me about seven times.

"I just need your opinion on these photos," she whined, turning her laptop toward me again.

"I already told you that you look beautiful in all of them," I assured. Picking her favorite photos was never easy for her and since this shoot was for her Cosmo magazine cover and article, it was a huge struggle now.

"But I need to pick the best," she sighed.

"Fine, then that's the one," I pointed to the screen where she's pictured standing against a wall in a sexy crop top, shorts, and very high heels. Perfect for Cosmopolitan.

"Are you sure?" she frowned.

"Dinah," I closed my eyes. "If I don't get this song done, then you won't have the new music that you're telling all these magazines about."

"Nooo, DJ2 needs to happen!" she whined.

"Then, let me do my work," I shook my head, putting earphones back in to listen to the amazing beat Lauren made. I was actually very excited to finish this album up and see how well it did. Dinah was ecstatic to be starting promo. She was going to all these meetings with her management to get started on the process. It reminded me of how I had to do an abundance of promo for my music too.

"Alright, well, I'm done," she stood up from her chair, closing her computer. We were sat outside the house, enjoying the lovely sunny day by the pool. I used to like writing songs in the bathroom but this backyard was too gorgeous to ignore.

"Hi, my nuggets," I heard over the blasting music through my earphones which made me immediately pause the song.

"Lo! Where've you been all day?" Dinah smiled at Lauren who approached our table in only a bikini, towel around her neck, and wet hair. A sight that wasn't too bad to look at.

"At the beach with my friends," she answered happily.

"Oh, just because you're done mastering most of my songs, you can take days off, huh?" Dinah teased.

"Yep," Lauren giggled cutely and sat down with us, her next to me. "Whatcha writing, Camz?"

"This should be Dinah's last song," I looked down at the notebook scribbled with lyrics.

"Let's see," she picked it up and read it over. "Hmmm, another song about partying," she eyed closely.

"Well, Dinah's all about that life," I chuckled towards said girl.

"Mhmm," she smirked.

"Nice. The lyrics are well written," Lauren smiled, handing it back to me.

"Thanks. I guess it's only this or you know, breakup songs," I shrugged.

Lauren looked at me sympathetically and reached out to grab my hand over the table. "Aw, Camz," she frowned. "I'm sorry, babe," she squeezed my hand that I couldn't tear my eyes away from. Babe. She really called me babe.

"I-It's okay," I grinned, fluttering my eyes.

I guess it shouldn't be as much of a shock like how I played it out to be. Lately, Lauren and I have been getting so close. She always gives me that look of admiration and never fails to smile whenever I say something. I always love talking to her about the exciting plans I have coming up for myself and I love hearing her talk about her plans too. We basically compliment each other.

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