Chapter 13

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A/N: At this point in the story, we're past the time of the Next to Me epilogue. If you haven't read it, please do to catch up!

February 2025

Camila's POV

"You know why you're my best friend, Walz?" Dinah sighed while we looked at the breath-taking scenery before us from the balcony. Barcelona had never looked so beautiful at night with all the bright lights.

"Because I take you to Europe every so often?" I chuckled, proudly sipping my red wine.

She opened her mouth like she was about to reject that but gave up, "....Yes. Yes, it's true. You do take me on the most amazing vacations," she clanked glasses with me, causing me to giggle for the hundredth time that night. I loved when we got drunk on wine because it was such a different drunk. A funny, fun-filled drunk. "Even when I got shit to do at home!"

"That's what real best friends do though," I winked, cuddling into her warm cozy self.

Dinah and I had been in Barcelona, Spain for the past three days so we could get away from our partners and kids. Well, my kids. And yes, Dinah finally got a boyfriend! His name was Kent Mendoza, a nice, tall, good looking NFL player like she'd always dreamt of having. He was everything in Dinah's eyes and she was everything in his. They were a match made in heaven.

But not only did Dinah and I choose to jet off to Spain for us to relax but to also wedding plan! Lauren's marriage proposal this past Christmas came as a shock for sure. I was so certain she would live her life wifey-free. Not even I would be an exception. But I was happily proven wrong, thank the heavens above. My ultimate life long dream of marrying Lauren was finally coming true and I couldn't have asked for anything more.

And here I was with my best friend and perfect co-wedding planner. We met with designers here from Pronovias who hooked me up with the most gorgeous gowns and bridesmaid dresses I'd ever seen before. Whenever I thought I found the perfect one, there was something even better. Thankfully after almost five hours of searching for the one, we got both my dress and Lauren and I's bridesmaid's dresses. Time was of essence too since the wedding was this June and we had only four months to go. Four more months till I became Mrs. Camila Jauregui. Well, I had to keep my maiden name so, Mrs. Camila Cabello Jauregui; kind of like our kiddies sharing both of our last names.

Speaking of kiddies, I was constantly checking my phone to get updates on how they were doing with Lauren. Call me an idiot for leaving her home alone with a 2-year-old and 6-month-old, but I had to trust her. As long as they weren't dead by the time I got home, we were all good.

"But can you believe there was a time when we weren't best friends?" Dinah questioned, sparking my interest.

"I really can't," I shook my head, recalling that time in my life.

"Me neither. Caminah was dead," she frowned, resting her head on my shoulder.

"Yeah," I sighed, memories flooding back. "But it's better now. We're back together again," I smiled to brighten the mood.

"Yayy," she giggled adorably, drinking the last bit of her wine. Yep, she was feeling it. "And now here we are years later. You're about to become Lauren's wife. Just think about that. Think about how far you've come."

"Oh, I'm thinking," I snorted, also feeling that fine wine as well. But it was still so serious.

She was right. I was marrying Lauren after how many years we've been in love and rekindled our relationship. This was it. It made me emotional just like how I got every time I thought about my beautiful green-eyed girl- fiancé. Holy shit she was my fucking fiancé. I wanted to rip my damn hair out at that realization as it hadn't hit me yet after she proposed almost two months ago. And now the tears pooled my eyes even more.

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