Chapter 5

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Narrator's POV

Interviewer (I): We wanna welcome our very special guest to Power 96 whose birthday is also today. Everyone, please welcome Lauren Jauregui!

Lauren (L): Thank you, thanks for having me.

I: So, Lauren, it's your birthday. Do you feel any different?

L: A little bit but not because of older age. I think within this past month, I've already been through a lot so, that makes me feel differently.

I: Right, because lots of things are going on with you right now.

L: Definitely.

I: You moved out to LA with your old bandmates, Dinah Jane and Camila Cabello.

L: I did and things happened and I guess I'm back here in Miami.

I: Could it have something to do with your altercation last week?

L: Uh, sort of.

I: It involved Camila Cabello?

L: You know, I don't usually like to talk publicly about this stuff but I felt like I needed to go on the record today to address it. There's a lot out there in the media involving Camila and I but I wanted to personally make a statement that there's actually nothing going on. At least not anymore. Yes, we were living together and yes, we were at that club with her ex-fiancé but she and I have decided to cut relations at this point. It's best to leave it all in our history.

I: So, you and Camila aren't talking anymore?

L: That is correct.

I: Because the headlines read: "Camila Cabello's past and present fight for her future."

L: I know and what happened in there wasn't just about Camila but I was fighting someone who was aggressive towards me and my other friends so...

I: You and Nathan Turner weren't just fighting for Camila.

L: We weren't. I don't talk to him, have never talked to him before in my life, and will not speak another word to him ever again. I'll make sure of that.

I: Does that go for Camila as well?

L: I don't know. People now are aware of our past which I'm not going to comment on because I don't owe that to anyone, but we're not in each other's lives no matter what people think or want to think. And what ever happens in the future will stay between us because I'm not letting this get out again. It's way too public.


Lauren tried to remain alone for as long as possible. She didn't know what was going on between her and Lucy after they slept together the night Lauren returned, but they weren't back together. Lucy wasn't going to take her back and Lauren finally accepted that but she still wanted to be on good terms. They weren't there yet but she hoped that they would be eventually.

Lauren thought a lot about her future. It was so unpredictable at the moment. She was now 25 after all, still single and not getting any younger. Was she going to be single and just have side chicks the rest of her life? That was never what we wanted. She didn't want to be one of those people. She wanted a family. A family with the woman of her dreams and however many kids they ended up having. She already had one child and was worried about where she would end up with him. What if Lucy married someone else and Lauren was left out in the dust, completely forgotten? She was terrified of her son rejecting her and or Lucy not letting her in his life anymore. Everything was a complete mess and there wasn't even a light anymore seeing as how she blew it with Camila... Dinah's suggestion for finding her her happiness. She fucked everything up.

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