Chapter 11

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Lauren's POV

"How much is this gonna cost me?" I asked the realtor after Camila and I took a tour of a crazy expensive home in the Bel Air neighborhood.

"Cost us," Camila sternly eyed me.

"They're asking for around 24 million. 95,147 for a 15 year monthly mortgage," he answered monotonously.

I let out a laugh as if he was joking but he and my girlfriend clearly didn't think it was funny. "You're not kidding, are you?" I shook my head, biting back from going insane. Who the fuck was I kidding coming to homes like this? The last place was anyone's dream house yet it also cost around the same damn $20 million price range. I had money but I didn't have that money.

"I'll leave you two to talk," he raised his eyebrows, stepping away from us.

"Lo," Camila sighed.

"I do not have 24 million dollars or 95,000 a month," I told her with a pained look.

"It's okay. I do," she smiled optimistically as if that was any help.

"No, Camz. Not all that money is worth it just for a house," I breathed. "Even if we both payed half, it's gonna be so hard for me right now. I'm losing the most money I have in my life. I already need money for rent payments, car payments, food, clothes, baby stuff, what ever to provide for you and Logan, and whatever Max needs. It never ends!"

"Lauren, listen," she beckoned in a hushed tone.

"I'm already getting rid of the Aussie penthouse and am probably going to have to sell half of my cars. I need my accountant to look over-"

"Lauren Michelle," Camila grabbed the sides of my face to lock eyes with mine. "Calm down. It's all going to be fine."

I let out a huge deep breath I didn't even know I was holding in. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I just get so stressed when it comes to buying new houses."

"I know, amor," she brought me in for a hug but not too much because of her massive baby bump. "This house is too much anyway. We don't need all of this."

"I just want to provide the best for you," I pulled back, resting my forehead against hers.

"You do already. The money is irrelevant," her hands trailed down my sides.

I kissed her lips slowly, "Okay."

"Okay? We can find something that suits us better for a way more affordable price," she hummed, rubbing up and down my arms. "Go talk to the man."

After patting me on the back, I went back over to see Scott, the realtor. "Hey, uh..."

"Did you guys get it figured out?" he asked with a smile.

"Yeah, look, I know you've brought us to these insanely beautiful but insanely expensive houses. And I know, it's Camila Cabello, worldwide superstar," I gestured toward to where Camila sat in the living room. "But I'm kinda on a budget."

"What were you thinking?" he crossed his arms.

"At least... half of this?" I shook my head. "I'm busting my ass, man. I have to start working again as soon as this baby pops out."

"Lauren, are you kidding me?" he chuckled. "You sound like you're broke when you're only getting richer. And you do know that I know your accountant who manages your money just fine?"

"Well, yeah I'm rich but I wanna stay rich," I snickered.

"With your money alone, you could buy almost half the houses in my neighborhood," he joked.

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