Chapter 8

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Lauren's POV

Unfortunately, all good things come to an end. I was dreading these past few days as they were the last days I would be living in LA with Camila and Dinah. College was starting back up and my senior year awaited. Of course, it was pretty much a good thing and I was excited to be going back to finish my degree, but missing Camila was going to be far worse. I loved being with her. We've fallen back in love which I could have never predicted would happen again. But it happened for a good reason. We're truly back to where we belong.

"Wow, another homemade breakfast?" I muttered softly, the sweet scent of pancakes filling the air as I entered the kitchen.

"Good morning, my love," Camila turned to me from the stove where she was flipping a pancake to add to the large stack on a plate.

"Mmm, good morning," I pecked her lips. "Those look delicious."

"Thanks, babe," she smirked.

"What's gotten you into this cooking breakfast kick anyway?" I asked, getting orange juice from the fridge. She had made me waffles, eggs, bacon, toast and anything else you could have for breakfast this past week.

"Well, I figured we could sit down and have a quality breakfast together every morning before you have to leave," she shrugged, turning off the stove and getting two plates ready for us.

I couldn't help but blush at that. She was literally the best. "Look at you. Such wifey material."

"Oh, you're thinking about that already?" she giggled, setting down my pancakes and joining me at the table.

"Maybe," I winked. Even though I wasn't the type to marry, anything could happen when it came to Camila. "First, we gotta tell people we're back together."

"Right and I'll have you know that I told my parents and close friends yesterday," she proudly grinned, making my eyes widen in shock.

"Y-you did?" I swallowed hard.

"I mean, yeah," she shrugged before taking her first bite of pancake. "We've been dating for like a month now."

"Wow. Time has gone so fast," I shook my head, drowning my pancakes in whipped cream.

"But I don't mind not telling the public. I know it's not your thing and I too have kept a lot of relationships private," she pointed.

It made me feel bad again that I was still so adamant on keeping Camila and I's relationship a secret. I knew she wanted to come out and say it... again. "I mean, it wouldn't be the first time you told the public that we were dating... or dated," I lightly joked.

She scowled shamefully, "And I know how you felt about that. Come on, Lo."

"But I understand, Camz. It's actually quite sweet that you don't want to shut up about me," I giggled.

"You know it," she playfully rolled her eyes. "The thing is that I don't want to hide you. I want to talk to anyone about how happy you make me, use she/her pronouns in my song lyrics, post cute pictures with you on social media, and let the world know that I'm so fucking in love with you, Lauren Jauregui."

I chuckled with my head down at how adorable her words were. "You're absolutely the cutest human being," I reached over to hold her hand as she smiled at me with flushed cheeks.

"I've never had the chance to profess my love for you. It'd just be nice to do it, you know?"

"I do know," I breathed, staring into her eyes and silently promising that I had to do something so she could do what she's always wanted to do. I had to make this right for her. "And I'm going to make sure that happens."

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