Chapter 7

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Camila's POV

"Why are you so nervous, babe?" Lauren was laughing from the couch at how anxious I was pacing around our living room. But it wasn't like I saw Ally Brooke and Normani Kordei everyday anymore. I hadn't seen those two in three years so who knows how the visitation will go?

"I don't know. Just a little stressed," I mumbled with a shrug, too nervous to sit down and only standing between her legs. She smirked that sexy smirk, pulling me by my hand to make me fall over into her lap. Letting out a giggly squeal, I climbed on top, straddling her waist, so our lips could meet sensually.

"You want me to relieve some of that stress?" she husked against my lips, causing my own smirk and another kiss. We kissed for what felt like a good five minutes until we finally heard footsteps that sounded like Dinah. And before we had to get up, Lauren simply took my hand again to bring it to her face, softly kissing across my knuckles.

"Mmm, I love you," I hummed at her romantic gesture. It was little things like that that made me fall even more head over heels. Within the past two weeks of us back together, it had already been so much different to when we used to date. Lauren was probably 1,000 times cuter and more mature. She listened, cared, did so much more for us than ever before in only two weeks. As well as for me. I could see a difference in my own behavior from when we had previously been together. I felt like since we've been through more things, overcome a lot, and just grew up, we knew exactly what we wanted at this point. We only wanted to be the best for each other and ourselves. Together, we we could do that.

"I love you too," she whispered with an endearing smile.

"Hey, guy- Oh wait," Dinah paused from entering the living room so she could shield her eyes. "Are y'all done being disgustingly cute so I can look at you two?"

"We'll never stop being cute but yes, you can look," Lauren giggled as I got up from her lap.

"Okay," she put her hand down and grinned. "The girls should be arriving any minute now... I'm so excited!" she cheered, clapping her hands together. Oh yeah, thanks for the reminder.

"It's alright, baby. I'll be right here by your side," Lauren sweetly cooed, earning an adoring smile.

"What would I do without you?" I snuck a quick kiss while Dinah wasn't looking.

And the minute Normani and Ally arrived to the house came too soon. All that could be heard was screaming, laughing, and everything in between right when they stepped through the door.

Dinah was the first to attack the girls into a hug, Lauren following after so that they were all squished together, but I was still a bit hesitant. I mean, there was no surprise that the four of them still remained super, super close. They were Fifth Harmony till the very end. I just didn't know where I stood even after years of all of us going our separate ways.

Lauren looked over at me, noticing that I was twiddling my thumbs and looking shy. But once she held her arm open to invite me into the group hug, I immediately walked over. "Anddd we have Camila here too!" she squealed, making me flash her an appreciative grin for including me.

Ally and Normani turned to me with bright faces and warm smiles, also making my discomfort disappear just a bit. And I didn't know why but a rush of nostalgia hit me while being so close in a circle with all the girls. I couldn't even tell you how long it's been since this last happened.

"Camilaaa!" Ally awed like I was a family member she hadn't seen in a while.

"Ally, hi!" I smiled and pulled her into a hug, rubbing her back. "It's so great to see you again," I said.

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