Chapter 1: Anonymous

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If you search the dictionary for the word embarrassing you'll find my whole life briefly described there. From my childhood crush, to the times I'm at the grocery store. I should've gotten used to it by now but it feels like a new feeling every single time.

But now, now it has taken a whole new level. I've never wanted the ground to swallow me up and drop me on Saturn so I could sit there forever. Maybe find an alien and befriend it. I mean, I have silently begged it to do so but never this bad.

This surely beats the time I was convinced by someone in the sixth grade that a new flavour of chocolate was muddy, literally. Lets just say I was close to dying considering how much I vomited during that week. I was known as 'mud puke' at the time.

I was just at the airport, dropping my dad who was going to California and being the oh-so-daring person I thought I was, I stupidly accepted my twin brother's dare.

I think he was just doing that so I could be distracted from the fact that I wouldn't be able to see my dad for a year again. But then, he could've also done this because he's a little devil with stupid spontaneous thoughts. Well..

Now I'm sitting on the wing of the plane.

And i have this feeling it's about to take off.

Don't ask how we escaped the security, it wasn't easy.

Haven't anyone noticed me!? Then again I haven't made a move. I'm too paralysed due to the shock, even my body can't believe where I am. When I finally get my senses back, the first thing I do is scream.

I screamed so loud the North Pole might have heard me. Heads turned.

"Oh God! Oh God! Jason get me off of here!" I'm sure people are amused by the show I've put on. Jason took his time to come, walking slowly as he clutched his stomach and laughed like a maniac. Some great brother he is. I'm freaking out here!

Can't the pilot notice me here!? "I'm gonna die!"

"Don't be dramatic! Jump!" He shouted as he walked.

"It's too high!"

"It's barely ten feet! Jump!"

And reluctantly I jump hoping to land on my feet but my back was too eager to meet the ground first and hence, I lie flat on a hard surface as pain takes over my body. I groan and open my eyes. The Sun blinds me, forcing me to shut them again. I hear footsteps getting closer. Why does it sound like Jason's running with four feet? Because he's Jason, duh. Or is he crawling?

The jump successfully damaged my brain. Oh joy.

Something hovers over me, the shadow allowing me too open my eyes, He's walking, I sighed a sigh of relief to myself. I can only see his silhouette the sun outlines, "Hey, you okay?"

Did my fall effect his throat? "What happened to your voice?" I hear a sigh nearby. "She's just been traumatised. No biggie" Another silhouette hovers over me. That looks like Jason. Oh how can I even imagine. Those words of concern can never belong to my brother. The words meant for people to think I'm a nincompoop belongs to my brother.

Looking around I see people boarding the plane gape at me and successfully making me blush with embarrassment. I'm going to kill Jason later. "She did fall pretty bad." The anonymous says.

"I'm sure she's fine." Jason says as he gives me a hand. I glared at him. He rolls his eyes while that sheepish grin is plastered on his face.

"I hope, well see you later Joanne." I was still busy glaring at my brother, getting up, when he turned around and jogged away. I didn't even get to see who the anonymous is thanks to the imbecile infront of me.

Walking out, I can't help burning holes in the ground with my gaze as I don't think looking up is such a great idea. People are staring at me with such horror. It's like I didn't just jump from the wing of the plane screaming bloody murder but planted a bomb with my magic wand. Which I really hope is nowhere near here, my dad's on a plane belonging to this airport. Though a wand would be pretty cool.

We walked until we're out of the airport, with my brother joking about how I'm such a klutz and how I was being so dramatic when I didn't even do the whole dare and how poor is the security here as he was hoping for me to get busted, to which I agree, except getting busted, ofcourse. And how he's sure I love him because he's the best brother ever, yeah, no. I don't say a word during his babbling, I'm too busy planning my revenge.

We reached the car where our mother told us to go if we got lost while she's in the restroom, knowing we wont be able to stay at one spot for long. Jason clicked the button on the key fob which allowed the doors to unlock. "I call bazooka!" Jason yelled, and ran to the car, sat on the passenger seat and with the click of a button, locked all the door again.

Why do I have to deal with this infuriating creature? "It's shotgun, you idiot." I run towards the car and pound the window with my clenched fists "And open the door!" Jason was grinning from ear to ear, he simply shook his head.

Fuming, I decided to not let him have the satisfaction and went towards the bonnet of the car and leaned on it, I'll just wait till mom comes. But why would my dear brother make it easy for me? He kept honking the car horn as people passed by me giving me perplexed stares, to which I shrugged and smiled abashedly. Not once can Jason let go of a chance to embarrass me.

After what felt like eternity, mom came back with her eyes red and swollen. I swallowed a rising lump down my throat. I really don't like seeing her that way.

Dad comes and goes every year due to his job, maybe she'll never get used to it. "Hey sweety, why are you not in the car?" There's my chance.

"He's not letting me in mom." I say in a whiny voice and muster up the cutest pout I can. There's a very fine line between my pout and looking like an invisible force is trying to rip away my bottom lip and unfortunalety, I always seem to cross that line.

Safe to say I once made a baby cry with that look. It's safe to say, right?

I guess it worked this time. Mom looked at Jason inside the car and I think I heard him gulp. Though I'm sure I heard the doors unlock.

After a long scolding session, we were heading home with a pissed off looking Jason beside me. All I can think of is getting comfortable in my bed, but I'll be out for school as soon as we get home. It has been three days since vacations were over and due to my unwillingness to go yesterday, I have to go today.

And something about none of my two best friends replying to any of my texts since yesterday worries me. They're not the one to let a text go by unanswered.

I sink in the back seat, pop in my earbuds, close my eyes and let myself dream. Just then my eyes pop open as the thought strikes me.

How did the anonymous know my name!?


To the people who were expecting another chapter, I'm sorry. My updating schedule is horrible. I'll bring this story next year and with regular updates. The sort of yearly updates were ruining this story. I'm going to work this story's plot out properly and surely it would make up.

Thankyou, everyone of you reader, for your support. :')

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