Chapter 9: The Gloominess

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Making it to the end of school is surely one of everyone's aims for the day.

And to accomplish that aim everyone resorts to one of the many ways to get throught the seven excruciating hours of school.

The best way to get through the day is to occupy yourself with various stuff so you wont look at the clock every five seconds, or to contrast that, give vicious, predatory looks to the clock and hope it would go faster in an attempt to save its life.

Even though my friends consider me endangered, I liked the former option much more. Which reminds me, I seriously need a new watch.

That was my so called plan that day as I hopped out of the car and trudged my way inside with Jason walking casually by my side. "Quit being so cranky."

"You made me stay up late to watch the stupid movie. I'll blame my moods on you."

"You were the one eager to watch the movie." He gave me a confused look.

"You were the one who brought it." I retorted

"You were the one who asked me to" he said, exasperated.

"You were the one who agreed with me."

"You were the one who gave the money!" He justified.

"Well then give me back my money!" I demanded.

"Half of it was my money!" He cried.

"Ahah! See! You're the one to blame too!" I said, smugly.

"Pfft! That's completely irrational!" He said folding his arms.

"Pfft! No it's not!"

"Yes! Yes it is!"

"Whatever. Pay up brother." I said tapping my foot on the ground.

"After you pay me my money."

"I'll pay you both of your money if you stop!" Hailey chimed in.

"She started it."

"You provoked me to!"

"You guys! Seriously. Shut. Up."

We both at once shut up and looked at her. "It's hard work dealing with both of you." She shook her head dramatically.

Jason laughed a bit, "Oh well, we shall ignore eachother now, twinnie." He said, ruffling my hair, before he walked off.

I groaned, grabbing Hailey by her arm and dragged my feet to the hall. Nearing my locker anticipation clouded me and sent chills down my spine as I breathed, making me shiver with an excitement that was stuck in my throat, with my palms slightly sweaty.

I opened my locker with such giddiness, Hailey was worried to see my expression wear off all of a sudden. There was no letter contrary to everyday's routine. The empty locker forced my face back into a gloomy expression.

Maybe he had not come. I tried reasoning with myself. Joanne, stop getting so attached. The letters will stop someday. What will you do then? I tried talking sense within me. I can't get too attached. He's just a fool, fooling around. I sighed heavily.

Hailey eyed me weirdly, "You okay?" I nodded weakly, trying to get rid of the hollow feeling that dug it's way deep in me.

"I'm still super sleepy and I need coffee." I tried, in an attempt to bring normalcy to our conversation, and me.

"Ah, that's my girl. Never sleeping on time." she pinched my nose.

"What the freak is up with you today?" I asked, slightly frowning, allowing my initial mood to take over my mind and rearrange my face into a seemingly permanent gloomy expression. I really couldn't help it. I wanted to get rid of the feeling and the way I dealt with it was by letting it out slowly, so that people won't know. Even if they do, I was sleepy anyway.

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