Chapter 8: Fail and Food

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I'm sure it's a common fact now and almost everyone notices it everyday.

I kept noticing it then, how the time wouldn't pass when all I wanted it to do was fly with the speed of light.

Though when the next class was Physics, the time flew by as if there was nothing to stop it. And as the class started, the time went back to dragging itself with the surface, trying to produce as much friction as it could to go even slower.

Even time has a conspiracy set up.

It made me wait so long, only to disappoint me.

"No. No. No. No." I muttered the only word I had been saying for while. Because it wasn't fair. It wasn't even possible! "You guys had checked it!"

"We had! It was- We did- Gah!" Hailey put her head in her hands.

"Anne, it was a mistake." Jake warily said.

Anne didn't look up. She was too engrossed with the camera, trying to turn it on after Jake had just dropped it. "Anne." Jake said, in a sing song voice.

"Anabelle!" Jake cried. Anne looked up all of a sudden, narrowed her eyes and went back to working the camera.

Is an explaination required? I'll give it anyway. After having to wait for what felt like decades, mind my exaggeration, time pitied us and we went running to my locker knowing the admirer would have left a letter by now, ergo, the camera would have captured his face.

The camera did get something, but we weren't able to see further than a black hoodie.

Because that is exactly when Jake came out of no where.

And being eager to check the camera out, he dropped it in the process of snatching it out of Anne's hand. Hence, very effectively starting their rivalry.


"Jake, you have a black hood on. Was it you?" Hailey accused."Aha! It was, wasn't it?" She wiggled her finger pointed at him.


Surprisingly, Hailey was much more pissed than me about it all. Now we only had a black cloth to bust. And there is not one guy in the school who isn't infected with that color.

Okay, maybe a few are.

Jake rolled her eyes at Hailey before he answered, "Why would I need to leave some lame letters in her locker to communicate with her?"


Anne snorted and laughed, "What! You guys really don't trust me?" and to that Anne raised an eyebrow at Jake.



"I didn't mean it like that. I meant... Is the camera working?"

Anne shook her head while burning holes in Jake's head with her eyes.

"Come on, Anne. I lost it one time!" Anne's jaw tightened. "And I promise I'll find it."

Anne just stared at him. "How about we go find it now? No, okay. I'll find it, and you can sit there in all your glory." He gave her a sheepish smile asking for her permission. And I would've awwed if I was aware of what exactly had been going on.

Anne rolled her eyes before she went off with Jake following her as he chuckled silently.

"We'll think something about it, okay? Don't worry." Hailey said in a voice that could calm me down in any situation. "I'll meet up with you later." She squeezed my shoulder before walking off to Matt.

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