Chapter 3: Secret Admirer

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People say having a secret admirer is cute. It's adorable how someone notices you so much, and they make you feel beautiful without revealing themselves, which is, adorable.

Well my secret admirer is nothing like that. I have been getting three to four letters everyday for two whole months and I'm sure no one's making a mistake. I really do have a secret admirer. More like secret, cocky, self-obsessed, shameless stalker, because in half of the letters he's quoted stuff like;

You actually look good, thank God, because I was having a hard time choosing between you and your locker. But you won Joey. ;) See how things are taking a turn, eh?

Has anyone ever told you you're an angel? Well, they're lies I tell you.

To be old and hot, you must first be young and have bad hair. Guess you're still young.

Now that hurt.

Almost every letter is so decorated it's like he took the whole day making it. He draws a winky face at the end of every letter accompanying '-your admirer', and the colour of the paper is always grey. Someone clearly doesn't know the meaning of admirer.

I don't even know who he is and I already hate him. There's not a nerve in my body which he has failed to get on. Not even him, just his letters consisting a single sentence!

As I walk with Anne, Hailey and Jake towards the place I've been loathing for some weeks now, my only hope is to not be greeted with another horrendous piece of paper. I was already greeted with one this morning but I didn't open it. I haven't told Jake or Jason about the letters because if I did, I'll awake the protective brothers within them and then the stalker will be in more trouble than necessary.

Yes, my brother and I might be ready to kill each other, but we tell each other everything.

Opening the locker I find another letter accompanying the first one, I roll my eyes and finally pick up to read them. The first one stated, Joanne, why do you not dress up like a girl? I entertain you enough. Payback time.

That one's ripped.

The second one stated, Is my little ungirly girl mad at me? Is that why she didn't open my previous letter? Ouch.

Wide eyed, I look around. He saw me? which means he was near me. Does he keep an eye on me at all times? "Joey, you okay?" Jake said seeing my expression. "Yeah... why?" I say with my voice wary.

"You look pale." Jake said with a confused look. "Another letter?" Hailey asks. I nod.

"What letter? What's going on?" Jake says with his protective mode on. I look at Hailey with wide eyes hoping she'd get the message and keep that mouth shut.

"Joey got a secret admirer." Hailey sung. I narrowed my eyes at her. "Oh, uh right." She said forcing a smile in her embarrassed state. Message finally received.

I squeeze my eyes shut hoping it would stop whatever it is to come and just as I predicted, the brotherly is mode is not turning off any time soon. He looks at me with a raised eyebrow and says, "And when was I going to be informed about the creep who's after you?"

I sigh and lean on my back at my locker, might as well just get comfortable, and say "He's just someone at school, I'm sure he means no harm."

"Are you kidding me? What if he follows you to your home and you don't even know? Have you written a complain yet?" He asked.

"No Jake!" I whined. "Trust me, all he does is make fun of me which is not something a secret admirer does." He looks at me blankly and Hailey and Anne nod while grinning, I narrowed my eyes at them as I continued. "So, as he's not an obsessed stalker, he's not harmful."

He faked a yawn. "Bull. Jason told me he has basketball practices, I'll be taking you home today." He ordered.

"He really isn't dangerous. Look, I'll show you." I picked one letter from the stack of letters I've kept at one corner of my locker for reasons unknown. He took the letter and read it. I was sure he'd be relaxed by that but the laugh that came next is not what I expected. Jake's laugh was loud enough to captivate the attention of the by-passers and piss me off. I snatched the letter as I glared at him.

"Okay." He said as he controlled his hyena-like laugh. "You made your point very clear." He paused and inhaled deeply to make sure he wont laugh again, "But you're still going home with me"

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever. Only if we make a stop to eat somewhere."

He smirked and pinched my cheek, "Ofcourse, how can I forget." And with that he walked in his maths class but not before raising his arm up for an acknowledging wave, "Later!" he shouted.

Right after he disappeared Hailey poked my cheek and buried me under her questions while Anne just watched Jake go. When she finally snapped out of whatever state she was in she looked at me waiting for my answers to Hailey's question, though her thoughts were drifted somewhere far away, her eyes could tell. I gave her a secret smile. She rolled her eyes but her cheeks were soon tainted with pink.

"He sees me when I'm at my locker." I say to them in a hushed voice. They both gasp and look around. Hailey, trying to act nonchalant, started roaming around the halls with her hands in her pockets, whistling. I shook my head at her antics.

Anne put a hand on my shoulder and gave me a mock sympathy look. With Hailey's back facing us, Anne and I quietly turned around and left for Hailey to find the admirer and us to eat. Because it's recess and I'm starving.

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