Chapter One

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"Lilliana? Lilly. Lilly!"

"Hm? What?" I say opening my eyes but instantly closing them again as the light was too bright.

"You need to get up! You have school today," my mum shouts as she grabs the covers from me.

I huff as I attempt to pull the covers back up but she was having none of it.

Meet my adoptive mother, Karen. She can be a little over bearing at times but I can't thank her enough for taking me in and treating me like her own blood. She has blonde hair and green eyes as opposed to me with brown hair and hazel eyes.

"Elijah will be here in ten minutes to pick you up," she informs me, leaving the room so I can get ready.

My heart sinks when I think of having to go to school, I hate it. It's like hell on earth only worse. You have to socialise and actually talk to people. Nothing worse than that.

I slowly get up from my bed and trudge along to my wardrobe. Picking out a light grey sweater and black ripped jeans. I lay them on my bed and head to the bathroom to shower.

I peel my clothes off, making sure not to face the mirror and hop into the steaming water.

"Lil? You in there?" I hear a male voice call out, knocking on my bathroom door.

"I'll be out in a second!" I shout, when I check the time I realise I've been in for around 20 minutes too long. Oops. "Elijah?"

"Yeah?" I hear my best friend ask.

"If you'd like to get out of my room so I can get changed, that would be much appreciated," I say with a hint of sass in my voice.

"Oh shit. Yeah. Sorry," he laughs. When I hear the bedroom door close I begin to dry my hair and get dressed.

"Morning," he chirps.

"Why are you so happy? It's too early for me to even think," I groan to which Elijah laughs.

"How have you been?" He asks, this time concern laced his voice. Elijah is the only one of my friends that know about the depression and he's made sure to ask me this every morning since I told him.

"Same as usual... Bye mum! By dad!" I shout as we walk out of the house.

"Lilly..." Elijah looks towards me as attempts to take a hold of my wrist.

"Elijah don't," I snap, holding my wrist to my chest.

"How many times have I told you. When you feel like... You know, doing that. Phone me and we can talk things through. I want to help you Lil, I do. But how can I if you're not willing to let me." He sighs.

"How's Bella?" I ask changing the subject. It's not that I'm not willing to let him help, I just don't like looking weak in front of people. That's just who I am.

"Oh she's great, her first tooth came through over the weekend," he smiles. Bella is his neice and he adores her. When he talks about her his face lights up and that makes me genuinely happy.

I groan when I notice that we're in front of the school gates.

I hold 'Lijah's arm as we walk towards our lockers. I've never really been that good with crowds.

"Oh my god! I've not seen you for ages!" One of the school barbies scream as she hugs one of her minions.

"Please. You saw her two days ago," I roll my eyes walking past them making Elijah laugh.

"Lilly!" My other best friend Sofia shouts as she skips over.

"Hi Fi," I smile as she pulls me in for a hug.

"Elijah," she nods towards him. For some reason she's never liked him. Elijah thinks she's just jealous of our friendship.

"Sofia," he raises an eyebrow.

I sigh as I check my timetable. Great. If my day wasn't already shit enough I've got maths first.

"I'll see you at lunch?" I suggest and they both nod saying bye to eachother.

"Shoot me now," I mutter when I see who is in my maths class.

I walk down the isle to get to the back window seat, earning a few wolf whistles on the way. I stick my middle finger up in their direction and they begin to mutter under their breath. Boys and their ego, honestly.

The teacher has been talking complete and utter bull for the last half an hour which is okay I guess since we get less work.

"Lilliana Williams," a strict voice calls.

I look up to see my teacher glaring at me.

"What," I snap.

He raises an eyebrow at my sharp tone, "what is the answer to my question?"

"Excuse me sir but how can she give an answer if you haven't even asked a question?" A girl asks from the front making me smirk.

"Detention!" He shouts at her.

"Hey! It's not her fault you're a shit teacher!" I defend her but end up landing myself in detention as well. Oh well.


"What's this? Lilly, have you got a detention again?" Sofia asks, her blue eyes narrowing my way.

"Maybe." I shrug.

"Elijah! This is no time to be amused! Lilly, this could impact your education!" She whines.

"Come on Sof, don't be such a nerd. Loosen up a little," Elijah nudges her.

"At least I'll get a good job unlike you. If you carry on behaving the way you are, you'll never pass your exams," she snaps and then leaves to sit with another group.

"What's just happened?" Francesca asks as she sits down, her short black hair bouncing around her face in the process.

"Elijah here just got sassed by Sofia," I smirk when I realise how ridiculous it sounds. A jock getting sassed by a nerd.

Fran bursts into fits of laughter after hearing this.

"It's not that funny," he complains. "Lil, tell her to stop lauging at me."

"You sound like a two year old who's dummy got stole," I shake my head, chuckling a little.

I love lunch times like this when my friends would make me forget about all my problems just for half an hour.

I groan when the bell signals that lunch is over as I collect my belongings ready to head to my next lesson. Let's just get thid day over with.


I'm so mad, I hit the wrong button and all my chapters deleted! So I've now lost all my comments and votes.


I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

Oh well, I guess we'll have to start again.


Snapchat: Alyssaj.king

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