Chapter Four

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Photo of Elijah at the top

  "Morning sunshine!" A masculine voice shouts, waking me up from my beauty sleep.

  I make an inhumane noise as I shove my head back into my pillow.

  "Time to get ready for school," the voice sings mockingly. I push my hand into their face as hard as I could. What? I want to sleep all day.

  "Leave me alone," I grumble. My morning voice literally sounds like I smoke fifty cigarettes a day.

  I suddenly feel hands grabbing at my ankles and dragging me from my bed.

  "Nooooo!" I scream dramatically as I hit the floor. "Ass."

  "Love you too Lil," Elijah smiles and then claps his hands together. "Get dressed."

  He walks out and closes the door on the way leaving me to do my daily routine. Shower, brush my teeth, do my hair and put a little makeup on; foundation, eyeliner, mascara and lipstick. Easy enough to do.

  I then get dressed into my grey tshirt and black ripped jeans, putting a few bracelets on to cover my cuts.

  "You ready?" I ask as I grab my leather jacket.

  "Si," he answers in Spanish to which I roll my eyes.

  "Bye guys!" I shout but get no reply. They must of gone into work early.

  "I cannot wait to reunite with my love," I yawn. Elijah raises an eyebrow questioningly. "My bed."

  "I should've known," he laughs.

  When we walk into school, I head straight to my locker, only to find the jerk from yesterday standing next to it.

  I ignore him and open my locker, grabbing the things I need before shutting it and turning around.

  Suddenly, I bump into a hard chest, making me take a few steps back to recover. Ugh. Him again.

  "What do you want?" I growl.

  "You," he smirks. Gross.


  "Wait I was kidding!" He laughs, pulling me back. He puts his arms either side of my head so I couldn't escape. "What I meant was..." He dips his head so his lips would skim over my ear, making me shiver involuntarily. "I want you to come to a party with me Saturday."

  "Thanks but no thanks. Already got plans to go with someone else."

  He lifts his head up and raises an eyebrow. He thinks I'm lying.

  "Oh yeah?" He smirks.

  "Mhmm," I hum in response.



  "Your 'not' boyfriend?" His voice changes from plauful all of a sudden.

  "Yes my 'not' boyfriend. He asked me way before you did and I'm not ditching him for some jackass like you." I push his chest, making him take a step back.

  "Princess wait."

  "That's not my name," I mumble, annoyed.

  "Then what is it?" He asks curiously.

  "Lilliana," I state proudly.

  "Hu-" he starts but stops and glares at something.

  I turn around to see Elijah walking up to me.

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