Chapter Seventeen

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"Lilly!" I heard a male voice scream in my ear causing me to shoot up from my position and punch whoever it was. What? They decided to mess with my sleep. "Oww!"

I open my eyes to see my brother holding his jaw, looking betrayed. I simply laugh and push him off of the bed.

"Why are you being so mean," he drags out the last word, sounding like a five year old. I roll my eyes and hop out of bed.

"Don't ever wake me up by screaming in my ear again, or I'll punch you even harder," I smile sweetly before heading towards the bathroom.

I shower, brush my teeth and hair and get ready within half an hour considering I have zero effort to put makeup on.

I run downstairs to find Elijah eating from my cereal box. Quickly running towards him, I snatch the cereal box from him and slam it on the side. I raise an eyebrow, looking towards the culprit.

"Who gives you the right to eat my food?" I ask, jokingly. His eyes widen in shock when he realises how much shit he's in right now and holds his hands up.

"I am so sorry-" he trails off when he starts running for the door making me laugh. "Come on if you don't wanna be late!" He shouts from the door.

After saying goodbye to my parents, I jump into Elijah's car as we make our way to hell. In other words, school.

When we arrive, I notice Hunter waiting at the doors, well I thought he was waiting until he turns around. I find that he is actually having the last drag of his cigarette. As we progress towards the door I feel Elijah's arm wrap around my shoulder.

"Hey Hunter," I smile. He looks at me with confused stricken features before smirking back and waving. Elijah looks down at me as if I was an alien with three heads.

"Since when?" He raises an eyebrow.


"Since when were you two civil?" He stops at the side of me as I collect all the things I need for lessons.

"He's done a lot for me recently and I've decided I'm going to be more nice to him. I mean, in the café he started a fight just because a guy talked to me with little respect. He seems like a good guy-"

"Lilly, he isn't a good guy. He's-"

"Speak of the devil and the devil appears," I hear a voice behind me. I look over my shoulders to see hunter with his arms out wide and a smile on his face, making his usual dramatic entrance.

"Hey Lils," he winks. Remember what you said Lilliana, be civil. Don't lose your shit.

"Hi," I mutter, smiling slightly.

"What you doing?" He leans on his arms in front of me, blocking my view of Elijah. My best friend huffs at Hunter's attitude and crosses his arms over his chest.

"Erm... Getting my stuff for Art?" I say as if it was obvious. Well, it is obvious. He was just clearly oblivious.

"What I meant to say was what are you doing tonight? I want to take you out... Again," he smirks at me, making Elijah stand up, his eyebrows draw in and his eyes hold confusion.

"What does he mean again?" Elijah presses. I look at Hunter wide eyed, he wasn't supposed to say anything about yesterday. Now I feel really bad about leaving Lijah...

"Did I say again?" Hunter laughs awkwardly, rubbing his neck with his hand. "I meant... For the first time."

Elijah clenches his jaw, "I'll be at lesson, see you later Lilly. Hunter."

Once Elijah is around the corner I push Hunters chest making him chuckle. "Why did you say that? You know that-"

"Oh please. He'll get over it, it's not as if you started world war three. He needs to grow up."

I raise an eyebrow at his attitude towards Elijah. "I was thinking... I haven't thanked you about helping me."

He hums, confused about my sudden statement.

"In the café, you didn't have to help but you did so... Thank you," my voice dies down towards the end.

"I'm sorry I didn't hear that," he smirks. Seriously?

"I said thank you," I mumble slightly louder than the first time.

"I still can't-"

"I am not repeating that again." I huff, running a hand through my hair, frustratedly.

He laughs, kissing my cheek. My eyes widen in suprise since I didn't expect him to do that. I feel my cheeks burn from where his lips once were. "It's okay, princess," he smiles.

"I should be getting to lesson," I say over the bell. I smile before turning my back and walking away. I take a deep breath trying to calm down my heart. Why was I acting like this? I shouldn't be acting like this.


Finally! The end of school. Now I get two days off to prepare myself for monday. In my opinion, two days off is too little amount.

"Williams!" I hear someone shout. I turn around to see Jackson running towards me.

"Hey," I grin. At least I have him tl cheer me up.

"Hi there's something that I want to tell you but you can't act like you know..." He says, glancing down at his feet guiltily.

"What?..." I hesitantly ask.

"Look you're a nice girl and that's why I'm telling you. Please done take any offence to it it's just"

"Jackson please just tell me..."

"The whole thing with Hunter. It's a bet. He's trying to get with you for a bet," he breaths out. What? No. He's lying.

"Why are you lying?" I ask. But I can't help but believe him. My heart clenches. I thought Hunter and I were becoming closer, I was beginning to trust him. How could he? But other thoughts such as 'why would he tell you all the stuff he did if it was a bet' start to contradict my first thoughts.

When we all went out yesterday he opened up to me, telling me how his dad used to beat him and how he doesn't want to be anything like him hence why he flinched when I said he hurt me at the party. Why would he tell me that if it was a bet.

I snap back to reality and realise that tears are beginning to form in my eyes. First my parents... Now this? God is an ass hole. What does he have against me to make my life turn out like this?

"Lilly, I was part of the bet too I'm so-"

Without second thought I slap him and run out of the building. Thoughts collide in my brain making them sound like a muddled mess. I can't believe this. I don't believe this.

Another update for you all! I hope you like it, it had to be a quick one since i have a shit ton of work to do.

Holy shit balls guys nearly 1k votes! I don't know what to say other than thank you all! Plus we are #165 in teen fiction!

I am so grateful for all your comments and votes, someof the comments make me laugh so much 😂

Thanks again!


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