Chapter Nine

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    Hunter and Lilly at the top 😎

"Hey, I'm Lilliana, I'll be your waitress for this afternoon. Can I get you anything?" I smile.

  Yep. I'm back at work. After school today Milly called me to tell me that she'll need me to step in for her since she's on a date.

  "Lijah," I whine.

  "What is it now Lilly?" He sighs and looks up from his drawing.

  "I'm bored... What are you drawing?"

  I look down to his paper to see a girl in a waitress outfit serving a table of people.

  "You," he smiles, "do you like it?"

  "I love it! Why are you so talented. Like, I have nothing about me that's good. I mean, I'm good at falling over air?"

  "I'm sure there's plenty of things you can do. I guess you just haven't found it yet," he replies. I guess...

  "Lilliana! That table has been waiting for ages! Go get their orders!" One of my coworkers shout. Ugh, he's been here for what? Two days? And he think he can boss me around!

  "I don't see you doing anything." I snap back, lifting an eyebrow.

  "I have my hands full," he says looking down at a pen in his left hand.

  "Listen here mate, do not think you can just boss me about whenever you feel like it because you can't. Go and serve that table."

  The black haired boy raises his eyebrows and tuts but strolls over to the table casually.

  "Damn," Elijah laughs.

  I hum in response and start to make a hot chocolate for the young boy waiting beside the till.

  "One pound twenty please," I smile, typing it into the till.

  He hands me the change and then asks for my number. The cheek of this kid! He's like twelve!

  Elijah stands up and tells him to leave to which he instantly obeys.

  I was watching the clock as it ticks down the hours, waiting for the hand to hit five o'clock. As it was just about to hit my leaving time a customer walks in.

  "Lilly, do you mind serving this customer?" My boss asks.

  "But it's-" he cuts me off by giving me a warning look.

  "Can someone else not do it?" Elijah asks.

  "There's no one else here." My boss replies.

  "You are." Elijah sasses.

  "Lijah, honestly it's fine." I sigh, trying to prevent an argument from happening.

  "No it's not, come on we're leaving." He grabs my hang, pulling me around the counter.

  "Elijah I'll loose my job!"

  "He's asked you to do over time too many times and not even paid you for it Lil! It's unfair!"

  He pushes me towards his car and eventually I stop struggling against him and get into the car.

  "How about we go home and order some food?" He suggests.

  "I can't, Sofia's coming over..." I say knowing that they don't get along. It isn't that I'm being uptight or horrible I'm just really not in the mood for company.

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