Chapter Fifteen

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"Will you please shut up," I whine for what seems like the hundredth time.

Hunter looks over at me, smirking slightly. I decide to not rise to his childish behaviour and instead look out of the window, watching the trees fly past.

"Turn left here," Jackson directs Hunter. "We're here."

Once parked, Jackson jumps out, opening the door for me. I thank him, smiling as we all walk towards the café.

"Why did you even come?" I hear Jackson mutter to Hunter. "Is it because you know I'll win?"

'I'll win?' What's that supposed to mean? Thoughts evade my mind of bad situations that it could lead to but I ignore them, deciding it's my anxiety trying to trick me.

"Stay away from her," Hunter says, venom lacing his voice. I jump slightly from the sudden hand on my lower back. "Hey," he whispers.

"Hi," I reply, rolling my eyes. "Hey, Jackson? Where do you want to sit?"

Jackson leads us all to a booth in the far corner when a waiter walks up to us, asking us for our orders.

"I'll just have a strawberry milkshake please," I smile. After the boys order their food and drinks, the conversation became minimal.

Looking towards my right, I see Jackson smiling widely at me.

"What?" I laugh.

"Oh nothing," he smiles mischievously.

I hum in response, suspicious of the situation, before my eyes widen. A cold hand touches my thigh, just above the knee.

My eyebrows raise as I look at Jackson, seeing him act completely innocent. He glances around the café when he starts to stroke his hand further up my thigh.

I smack his hand away, becoming uncomfortable. Hunter coughs awkwardly as he glares at Jackson.

Before the tension gets too awkward, our food arrives.

I sip on my milkshake, ignoring what the boys are talking about. Something about cars.

"I'm going to go to the toilet. I'll be right back." I declare, looking towards Jackson expecting him to move.

"Go ahead," he smirks.

"Excuse me," I try my best to be polite but inside I'm screaming. Please just let me out to have a god damn piss.

"Nope," he raises his eyebrows.

"Jack just move," Hunter says through clenched teeth.

Jackson just pats his lap and laughs. I fold my arms across my chest, if he isn't moving I ain't going.

"If you don't move I'll pee on you." I say bluntly. Hearing this, Jackson stands up so fast that he bags his knees on the table. This causes me to hold my stomach with laughter. Once I wipe away my tears, I quickly run to the toilet.

After washing my hands, I wipe them on my jeans as I couldn't be bothered to use the hand dryer. Opening the door with my sleeve, I gasp when I'm pushed on the wall.

"What do you think you're doing?" Hunter narrows his eyes.

"What do I think I'm-? What do you think you're doing! You're the one waiting outside the women's toilets!" I exclaim. What is it with him and ladies toilets?

"Why are you flirting with him?"

"He's a nice guy. If you class flirting as being polite and not ignoring him then sure."

He holds his hands either side of my head, nearing his lips to my ear.

"Don't test me Lils," he says. "What don't you understand about he's not a good guy? And you're out there all over him?"

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